Diary Legend:
💧- Watered
🌱- Seedling
🌲- Cut Down
🍃- Defoliation
✂️- Topping or FIM'ING
🚂- Training (LST)
11/1/21: Day 8. Growth is now at the rigorous stage, and will be having large changes each day, like I had noticed today. New leaves are nearly twice the size they were yesterday, but I'm not complaining. It seem to be going through water much better than other seedlings I've had. I need to water this one more often, so far, at least. I don't see any visible issues with the plant, which leads me to believe this strain might be able to handle full strength nutrients.
11/3/21: Day 10. 💧Holy Moly! The amount of growth over the last 2 days is amazing, big jump in size. I am happy for that, as it's sharing the same characteristics of the plants my friend grew. So far it shows no issues from being given the full strength dosage of nutrients. I never thought organic dry amendments would be so dang finicky. Honestly, it makes me want to go back to liquids, as I've never had an issue with the strength being too much, if anything, I was able to cut back with nutrients.
11/5/21: Day 12. Growth of leaves has now reached, and extended passed the edge of the pot. Height is still low, with minimal branching below. That is, for now. It still very early to decide if this pheno may require some training to help with height. I have plenty of height, but I'd rather keep it lower, if I can. Pot is still feeling heavy, so I will wait another day or two until it's dry. After looking back on other grows, this plant is by far the biggest one for it's young age. At least 1 1/2 times bigger than most, and a full twice the size as several others. Starting to wonder if I should think about topping this plant, as it might be one of those suitable cultivars.
11/7/21: Day 14. Day 14. I cannot believe the size of this plant, it's growing at an alarming rate. With the leaves being as fat as they are, I can definitely see the indica side of the plant showing through. I'm hoping it doesn't become an oversized beast, and it ends up staying short like the ones my friend grew. I still have plenty of time to decide on training, so we will see how it goes from here. Pot is dry enough to be watered again, so I will administer that later on well I do some transplants.
@Isle_of_Weed, Pretty good actually. I know I'm behind on the updates, but that will all be rectified tomorrow. The buds are plumping up nicely, and have a nice coating of trichomes.