Week one - Received the seeds from totalgrow I went for Runtz Muffin from Barneys Farm. So I got my 7L fabric black pots and filled them leaving 2 inches from the top of the pots, using Light Mix bio-bizz. I Used the seed capsule to pop tiny holes in my soil ready for the seed. I didn’t germinate I just went straight in.
After I did this I wet the soil with water I did this daily keeping the soil wet and damp after around 4/5 days I had 14 seedlings.
13 are Runtz Muffin and I have 1 Chocolate Skunk from 00 seeds totalgrow gave me for free.
I put in 15 Runtz Muffin and 13 Runtz Muffin popped so I was pretty happy with that!
Once these little beauties had come out, I used a dechlorinated water filter and added nutrients Soil A, Soil B and Roots all by Gold Label. I used 3ml of each to 6L of water that is in a 100L drum that has a water pump on constantly and an air stone to keep the water well airiated, I can keep this for a short while so I do not have to mix food each time. Using the ultra PH - from Gold label,to control my PH and bring it down.
Currently using a PH of 5.8 & an EC of 0.8. Keeping the temperature between 22-24* and humidity at 70%.
Will keep my PH at 5.8 for the first 2 weeks.
The first feed they each had 10ml.
My next feed will go to EC 1.5.
Since the seedlings popped I have been misting daily when needed to keep up humidity and keep them damp but not soaking the roots.
Light distance is something else I have control over which currently is 30cm aww from the seedlings. Dimmer Set at 30%