Hey peeps
Welcome to the newest edition of my perpetual garden of auto’s. She germed and sprouted like a dream!
She’s currently in a solo cup filled with coco coir and only getting ph water with Calmag and Rhizotonic at the mo. I will put her in a 3 gallon smart pot filled with a 70/30 mix of coco coir and perlite at 8 days, then introduce 1/4 strength nutes using the Lucas/Heard method at about 10 days but we’ll see how she goes.
She’s sharing a 120cmx60cmx200cm grow tent with 2x 350W Marshydro LED lights, exhaust fan and carbon filter, inlet fan, 2x clip on fans and an oscillating monkey fan. I have a dehumidifier and heater to help with conditions but it’s been real hot here recently so haven’t needed to use them.
She’s on an 18/6 light schedule and will be watered everyday once she’s established in her new pot. I’m currently using GHE Micro and Bloom nutes with a few Canna products and Terpinator from Green Planet.
Looking forward to watching this lil girl grow, fingers crossed for a killer harvest