
first grow in a spacebucket!

8 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Commented by
wilfie wilfie
8 years ago
Week 3! Things are moving so fast! I've had a busy week so did not get around to order nutrients. For all my worries, she seems to do just fine without them. I do not want to get over confident though. Gotta get on it! I was tempted to top her or start doing LST since she is growing so well, but decided against it because I want to let her grow naturally. This is my first grow, so best see what happens to a plant in spacebucket conditions without interference. Learn from that and experiment later on. Plus I feel that patience and restraint are key to completing a successful first grow. -On topping autos: I've read that autos should never be topped. This might have been true in the past. From what I've read new strains are more stable and can be topped without problems if the plant is growing well. (3-4 nodes by end of week 2) This allows her to recover before going into flowering. Despite her being only 10cm tall her leafs span nearly 27cm! Auto Tutankhamon is basically AK-47 (stativa) with ruderalis so I was expecting a rather tall plant. On day 16 she started showing her first pistils! 😍
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okiedokietokiecommentedweek 38 years ago
I am also growing Auto King Tut in a spacebucket, and it looks like I'm about a week ahead of you. I saw your pistils came out on D16, but I still haven't seen any on my girl (maybe I'm overlooking them). This is my first bucket/first grow, and I started doing some LST around the end of week 3/beginning of week 4. She seems to be responding fine, but DAMN if her natural symmetry isn't just stunning. I'm keeping an eye on your grow, and I can't wait to compare notes at the end. Hopefully I can pick up some tips and tricks. :D
wilfiecommented8 years ago
@okiedokietokie, Final weight was not that much in the end - about 15g. But it was a fun experience! Best of luck with your girl!
okiedokietokiecommented8 years ago
@LordWasr, @wilfie I must have gotten a femenized photoperiod by mistake. I had to manually switch to flower. How's your girl, @lordwasr? @wilfie yours turned out great, especially with no nutes! What was the final weight?
LordWasrcommented8 years ago
@wilfie, haha thanks
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LordWasrcommentedweek 28 years ago
I'm looking forward to this, I actually just popped the same seed. She's also going in the Space Bucket too. How long did it take for the seed to sprout? This is my first grow using a seed lol. I have another plant thats in flowering that I received as a clone.
wilfiecommented8 years ago
@LordWasr, planting from seed is super exciting and full of anticipation😁 could be that she is getting too much light? I hope everything turns out ok!
LordWasrcommented8 years ago
@wilfie, Ooo good looks! I'll check that guide out and probably transplant into the main pot this weekend. She finally popped today ! I noticed that the leaves are a bit yellow and burn already -_-
wilfiecommented8 years ago
@LordWasr, Took mine about 2 days to break trough. I've heard that autos don't like to be transplanted, so best to plant them directly in their final pot. Check out this guide:
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BigDaddyKcommentedweek 18 years ago
I have the non auto version of this to grow in the summer - I'd like to see how this one does 👍
wilfiecommented8 years ago
@BigDaddyK, you got me there! It's a 2,5l pot, so a bit short of a gallon. I was gambling on a slightly smaller pot to produce a smaller plant without getting rootbound. I'm a bit worried though.
BigDaddyKcommented8 years ago
@wilfie, I've heard that - be interesting to see how it compares 👍 All looking good , are your pots big enough ?
wilfiecommented8 years ago
@BigDaddyK, looking forward to your diary this summer! Supposedly that strain can get up to 33% thc.
Prince_Fattycommentedweek 38 years ago
Looking great man she's the picture of good health, may I ask what is a space bucket ? I've never heard of them you don't put a lid on do you to make it a grow in a bucket ? Brb I'm gunna go google it xD
Prince_Fattycommented8 years ago
@wilfie, I think i might have to try it out, it would make an ideal space to keep a mother plant for cloning ! and I got plenty of cfls and led strip light handy (probably wrong spectrum though) thank you for enlightening me !
wilfiecommented8 years ago
@Prince_Fatty, thank you! Spacebuckets are awesome 😁 ! They have a really friendly community over on reddit with tons of guides and examples. If you like DIY stuff try it out!
Prince_Fattycommentedweek 38 years ago
Well I didn't expect it to actually be a grow in a bucket aha I'm following this one closely will love to see how you get on. Good luck peace out 😀