Day 1/Notes: Placed 3 seeds into a plastic shot glass with distilled water. The shot glass was placed on a heating pad to create warm conditions. Seeds will remain in shot glass for 12-48 hours until they crack open or show the tap root.
Day 2/Notes: After 24 hours, all 3 seeds cracked open and germinated. Placed seeds into rapid rooters with tail facing down. Rapid rooters were soaked in distilled water and reamed slightly so the seeds wouldn’t drown. Rapid rooters shouldn’t be soaking wet. They should be slightly moist at touch and shouldn’t drip when squeezed lightly. Rooters were placed in a Humidity tray with distilled water sprinkled on the bottom of tray to raise the humidity. Heating pad is still on creating a warm humid environment.
Day 3/Notes: All 3 seeds are now starting to rise from their rapid rooters with strong looking roots. I will be leaving the seeds in the humidity dome with the heating pad to promote further growth. I have now also turned on the grow light to 25% to prevent the seeds from stretching out too far.
Day 4/Notes: Seeds #1 and #2 had a bit of helmet head and helped them slightly take it off. Seed #3 still trying to push out of the rapid rooter but looks like it’s coming. First set of leaves on seed #1 look a bit purple/brownish. Will keep an eye on it in the coming days. Will be transferring all 3 seedlings into a solo cup on day 6 to allow further root growth and start veg.
Day 5/Notes: All seeds were out of their shells and roots were coming out of the bottom of the rapid rooters. Moved the all rapid rooters into a solo cup with new double buffered coco which is a 60% coco to 40% perlite ratio. Seed #1 leaves are gaining in size and appears to be recovering. Seed#2 cotyledons have now opened but still no sign of first set of leaves. Seed #3 is a bit behind but looks to be on the right path.
Day 6/Notes: Seed#1 continues to grow strong. Haven’t had any issues with this one. Seed#2 has cotyledons but doesn’t have it’s first set of leaves. Will continue to grow her but from what I’ve read the outcome may not be good. Seed#3 which was the slowest of the bunch now has its first set of leaves.
Day 7/Notes: Seed#1 has grown nicely. Starting to show signs of its second pair of leaves coming in. Seed#2 still no sign of leaves. Seed#3 leaves grew incredibly fast compared to day 6. Bouncing strong.
Germination week end: At the end of germination and start of veg week 1 I will likely get rid of seed #2. I will only be using 1 plant for my 2x2 tent and I’ll have a better idea of which plant I will be keeping by the end of week 2 or 3 of veg. The other plant I will be giving to a family member to continue the grow.