I see 4 big problems causing your issue. 1.) Northern lights prefer 16-18 hours max. Over that stresses them; 2.) Major pH issue. Way To high. Plant not absorbing critical nutes. You need 5.5-5.8 pH. Some important nutes only absorb into plant at 5.5-5.7. Others above. Fluctuate your pH. A couple days 5.5-5.7. Then a couple days 5.8-6.0. Then back down again. This will allow all nutrients to be absorbed out if soil so you don't get nutrient lock in soil & that can build up & kill your plant. I flush at 6.1-6.5ph water; 3.) Way to small of pot. Minimum of 2 gallon pots. Root system not big enough; and 4.) Lights to close. Keep at 16". Light insensity too high causing stress to plant at 12". One last thing, if you're using a high blend of Coco coir, it don't hold nutrients well. Runs right through Coco coir leaving little nutes left.