Wow talk about leader of the pack. Not only do both plants look amazing compared to the rest but clearly there is one plant that stands out a bit more then the others lol. 8" taller them the rest and almost twice as wide!!! I can't wait to see what she looks like after this upcoming leaf strip next week. I have to say so far I've been really impressed with not only this SE-5000 light but the Royal Queen Seeds produced. Top notch both of them.
Temperature and humidity have been stable for the most part. Was having g issues with my dehumidifier tho for a few days. I believe it was over heating a bit and was auto shutting off. So the my humidity would spike up to 75-80% but luckily it was during lights off and I was home when it happened. After moving a few things around and turning it off for a hour it seems to have corrected itself. Good caz I don't really want to have to buy a new one yet lol.
For my nutrients I'm slowly bring it up. By the end of week 2 I should have it closer to 1000 ppm. I also stopped using airstones in my tank because I was having a few issues. Now I'm just using a water pump on a timer. Turns off when lights turn on and the back on a hour before the turn off.
I've got most of my fans now running at 100%. Only ones that are still only running at 50% are my two lower section fans. With them set to that I find the temperature and humidity at all 4 corners of the room are close enough that I should have zero issues.
Well that's all for now so keep growing everyone!!!
Following I added Overdrive to my feed scheadual and it made everyone late stage male flowers they did pollen at anything bu as soon as I stoped the Over Drive the male flowers stoped so now I’m using it to reveal sex for femail pollen LOL made my Lemon Haze tast like licorice
Also I did a pack of G-13 hawian pinnaple and almost all of them hermaphidite I think G-13 gets there breeding stock from the ditches in Nebraska