What’s going on lady’s an gentleman. This week the MOAB girls are going into w/4 under the double UFL3000 from Unit Farm. An are loving the hell out of it. Both plants have 9 fingers on upper fan leafs currently set at 38DLI on/18hr an 65% rh an 79-81 degrees lights on an 70-72 degrees lights off. Sofar the UFL3000 are killing it an plants are loving the output! Another plus is tent is staying way cooler then expected. An exhaust fan is set level 1 speed to take out the heat on top end an bring cool air in. Also auto pot system is just straight killing it. PH hasn’t raised in the storage I mix her up once an day an she holding at 6.4. The system is working extremely well as the plants are happy an healthy. Now time to let her ride until the other sub branches can be tied down. Thanks for viewing an happy growing everyone an hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend.