First day in the soil. Germination took 70hrs (following Shinsimilla's technique).
Minimal water given when transplanted.
Seedlings are under a humidity dome. Air humidity in grow room is at 75% now but that will go up as I just switched on the humidifier π.
Light is on low power, 18/6 light/dark cycle.
LED 400w LM301B Samsung diodes.
%RH 75-80.
Babies are doing great after D4. Temp and humidity seems to be keeping stable at around 28β°C and about 78-80%RH. It's close enough to where I want it for the VPD at this stage.
End of week 1 and they are happy and eager for life. Third set of leaves appearing on seedling nr.1. Lovely fat and healthy leaves so far. I've taken the humidity dome off on D5 and kept the humidity up and did not notice any stress on the plants. I did keep an eye on the humidity/temperature levels to make sure I stay in the ideal VPD range for the seedlings.
Watered them for the first time on D7. Pots were very light when picked up. Put them in a saucer with water and left for about 10min to soak up what they need.
Fingers crossed week 2 goes as smooth.