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Breeding work.

3 years ago
Auto ducks foot x sour strawberry
Room Type
weeks 2, 8-14
weeks 3, 5-14
weeks 3-14
weeks 5-14
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
3 years ago
11-13 5 (95% chance of one male) of the hybrid ducks foot auto x sour strawberry germinated and potted to be used as father. mother auto ducks foot to be back crossed germed and potted in to 3 gal plastic nursery pot. mixed 4 tabelspoons 8-0-11 and 1 tbsp Harrolds slow release 17-4-10. initial f1 cross to obtain males for back crossing done by a friend.
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Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Grow Questions
Plantman224started grow question 3 years ago
feminization on vegging plants? Has anyone tried colloidal silver to feminze seed using only preflowers on vegging plants? I am looking to try this method (and keep a diary) on Margelo to get small amounts of seed on vegging gals.
Other. Other
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Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 3 years ago
@Plantman224 I am unsure if it will work without the flowering process being initiated but by all means give it a try you just never know .
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 seedlings of sour ducks foot auto x sour strawberry, here by known as DFA x SS equal in height, second set of true leaves emerging. first set true leaves on mother DFA to be back crossed shes the left most front.
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
18 hrs
11 L
11-28-21 potting up 5 f1 adf x ss from 4 inch to 3 gal which is the only stepping up they will receive. mixed 4 tbsp per 3 gal pot of soil of 8-0-11, 2 tbsp of bone meal per 3 gal of soil, as well as one trowel of worm castings. im going to top dress the ADF mother to be back crossed with 1 trowel of worm castings and 2 tbsp of bone meal. she is on the second set of true leaves. f1 adf x ss was starting 3rd set of true leaves and were topped just as third set of leaves emerged, has 4 nodes from first 2 sets of true leaves on each plant to sprout from. mother ADF was not topped at this time 11-30-21 topped ADF mother
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Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
11 L
12 10 breeding work is growing nicely keeping photos, 2 plants seem to be much more vigorous, tomorrow they are a month old. seem small but they had a wet start
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Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
11 L
12-14-21 set up new 2x4x5 tent, moved mother auto ducks foot to it on 18/6 lights. flipped big tent to 12/12. mother and 5 f1s flipped were given 2 cups approximately of water with a splash of super hume & seaweed, molasses.
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Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
12-21-21 5 f1 adf x ss, everything was watered, the 2 looser/ more open plants that have longer internodal stems and the mother ADF to be BC got 600 ml the 3 fls that are denser got only 300ml. 12-23-21 sexed f1s of adf x ss have 2 obvious females they happen to be the less dense thinner ones I thought (& hoped were male wanted the more open type for high humidity) 1 obvious male and 1 maybe male, only one node with tiny possibly male preflowers one ball each. 12-25-21 finshed sexing f1s, 4 female including the possible herm, emasculated the 2 suspect male buds rest of plant showing only female flowers, other 3 females are tied down. the male f1 ADF x SS using as father in BC was cut back to 2 branchs and too the other 2 branches stuck in water to try rooting as well as trying for viable pollen off plant. but the last female with possible herming will be HST/super cropped to stress her as much as possible and will continue to monitor for males signs, if she herms she will be culled.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
12-26-21 HST possible herm. moved ties continuing to adjust ties and remove or tuck leaves 12-29-21 Male is looking good swelling of sacs is encouraging. hopefully with any luck i wont need the small new ADF popped around the 18th as a back up. was worried original mother would be too far into bloom to pollinate but with the heavy N she has as Slow release that should delay and lengthen bloom time fingers crossed. will also save pollen just in case. 12-31-21 moved male into mother ADF to BCs tent, changed its light to 12/12 will keep temporarly maybe a week or so just to pollinate selected F1 female for f2 seeds as well as the main mother to BC. might use f2s for another run later.
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Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
1-1-22 moved male into tent with mother filpped to 12/12. did more work on the 4 female f1s during defoliation and moving of ties one of the main branchs snaped, its the frontmost right plant, poorly used tape around stem but short internodal length and snap sight made it difficult 1/4 of stem attached taped leaves to other leaves on good branches as a low impact way of closing snap. watered today just by habit of judgment no measuring as each style of phyno is drinking different rates. 1-2-22 male opened pollen as anticipated did first round of pollination today, tagged 2 locations of chosen female f1 to make f2 seeds (small number only) and mother ADF was given the shake & blow pollination method with her son ADF x SS f1. didn't take extreme precautions as have done in past, f1s were not washed down after as are in separate tents but both were open next to one another, no further preflower type herming was observed on f1 females, any seeds found will be saved as f2 of male cross, as currently f2 mother is chossen on looks alone. 1-3-22 second round of shake and blow pollination for Bc1 seed ADF x (Adf x Ss) male. visible pollen in air observed, didn't really float long with the vetilation on and no fans it mainly went up to the filter, today second tent with f1s was closed, washed hands and arms water only and took off robe before checking on f1 females; defoliation on a small scale has been on going. curious to see how lax i can be in this set up as far as pollination. also switched back to 18/6 for Mother ADF to keep cuttings in veg, realized it takes a while to re veg and I'll be done with pollen hopefully tomorrow after collection possibly. with only negative pressure on both tents, better to learn now then later f2 seeds are never dull. will follow tomatoe seed line examples with a number keeping track of each individual and grow each line in parallel keeping track of each individuals ancestor to be able to weed out negative traits. exm. adf x ss f1 plants 1, 2, 3, 4, pollinated by only male. 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 ect. each generation a chance for a bulid up of negative traits may occur, and be expressed, but depending on frequency lines can be eliminated, say after 4 generations plant 1-3-8-2 has seeds 1-3-8-2 -1, 1-3-8-2 -2 exc and none of her children say 100 of them are expressing your triat and same is true for say the 2 line, but the others lines 3 and 4 have a 50/50 ratio of trait, then you'll know the genetic phenotypes and bonus know whitch males of whitch inbred line are worth keeping. thats true for each generation 1-3-6 may only have high thc offspring for another 7 generations and be stable for it same with every seed of 1-3-6s family including the males. but say the 1-3-8 line after another 3 generations you still have low thc, that line can be retired from this project but possibly kept if it has say very strong mould resistants or a locked in color, terp. may come in handy. pipe dream if (or how many seeds) i get for being lazy. but its exciting to think id be just as happy with seeds rather than bud this grow. and we'd go back to known pollination procedures with the bags and no ventilation and spraying water on the gals for bud. fingers crossed the second tent will allow me to see if lazy works with this set up. 1-4-22 well lazy seems to be working good enough for me, first two hand pollinated sites on f2 seed mother are darkening pistels and drying out without the whole tent doing the same. on the down side a few pistels on the 2 more indica looking plants are darkening also, they are closest to the vent that is next to the second tent, pollinated likely by pollen dirfting down and being sucked through those 2 plants. seeing as 3 of 4 are going to give me a few to decent number of seeds I went ahead and chose a seed site on the middle f1 plant to give some seed as well, she was hand pollinated today. ADF was pollinated again by ADF x SS male with shake and blow but under max negative pressure today. pics of darkening pistels are hard to see but in person it is quite obvious. 1-5-22 Saved ADF x SS f1 pollen in paper, in a jar glass suspended above some calcium chloride desiccant. will store in fridge tomorrow for a day then freezer. took male down but saved a cutting in a glass of water to have a few more days of fresh pollen if needed. did final shake and blow and hand pollinated most of mother ADF for the last time. gave some epsom salt solution to all the plants. 1-6-22 potted up margelo cuttings into gallon accelerater pots, mixed old male dirt in with new soil worm castings and bone meal, feel like shit surgery tomorrow, didn't measure. watered with week super hume and seaweed, molasses soultion. mother ADF is showing N toxicty and Mg lockout. she was watered two days ago, and so yesterday she got Mg solution as already wet, watering done with rain water, will continue rain water for rest of grow its slightly acidic and should help leach N faster. F1 females watered with well water, HST possible herm plant inspected no signs of male flowers or many dark pollinated pistels, all plants were inspected and no herming was observed, pollination sites checked and with desire for more f2 seed Pollen from male cutting in water was re applied to seed sites and new random seed sites selected non of 4 main colas were selected as seed sites as i want as good a reading on each potential mother as possible. 1-8-22 seeds on mother ADF will be BC 1 ADF x (ADF x SS) , F1 gals/mothers look good f2 seed set in small numbers. no watering. saved pollen f1 ADF x SS. in paper and jarred with other pollen.
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Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
1-10-22 discarded male cutting yesterday, pollination is great on ADF mother. F1 ladies looking good. F2 seed sites look good. put some pieces of charcoal in the ADF mother pot, extra carbon to soak up N toxicty, top dressed with 2 tablespoons bonemeal, watered with well water and little Mg solution. 1-13 Mother ADF looks like shit, what was thought to be Mg deficiency has worstened drastically now that seed swelling has begun. now believed to be Ca deficiency, brought on by N toxicty, have been bringing her outside during the day and under lights at night to speed up drying cycles so more flushing can take place, yesterday she received one teaspoon in a gal of water of Cal-Mg. not too worried as still have back up ducks foot and pollen. seed sites on f1s are swelling nicely on the two more sativa looking F1s 2 left most. right side 2 more indica looking F1 plants dont seem to have as drastic swelling of calyxs but it is there, possible herm F1 has darkening pistels in multiple locations not chossen as seed sites, but no swelling is present though currently will monitor, her seed site has minimal swelling of calyxs. Margelo cuttings taking off nicely.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
1-16-22 Mother ADF is looking the same, leaves seem to have stopped getting worse. nothing to do but ride out the clock will never use slow release N to delay Auto again in future work. Margelo cuttings looking great, F1s progressing nicely. seed development continues. watered. 1-18 everything is progressing and looking good except Mother ADF making BC1 seeds Led light seems to be making Ca? deficiency worse on leaves exposed directly to the light, some are half good where in shade. 1-22 Turned down the light in the Mother ADF & Margelo tent realized the Led is burning/causing more stress to the ADF due to the Ca? deficiency. watered with plain well water next watering will be Cal mag soultion again for ADF. topped back up ADF outside hasn't begun flowering yet. will bring in as freeze called for morning of 24th. really nothing new.
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Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
1-24 Checked everyone and took pictures nothing new Mother ADF holding at same terrible leaves but doesn't appear to be progressing. Going to be giving some Margelo plants back to source this week. Took some old pollen from the Mother ADF leaves and male flower from F1 she was crossed with off her leaves and dabbed it on a few preflower sites on Margelo for shits and giggles. 1-25 Waterd F1s with weak Mg solution, watered Margelo plants, rearranged. 1-28-22 Four Margelo cuttings found new homes, recived a cutting off the top of the only seed found in margelo in four years of its growing. potted it into 4 inch with worm castings only this brand is more like peat in constancy than true castings and doesn't silt or muck. placed a bag over it. Top cola on ADF mother making BC1 seeds first pollinated turned dark and didn't look good I decided to cut it off thinking it was fungal but possibly it was ripe and following nature? seed dropped out of it hard full plump percent looking seeds, put it on a plate to dry and after ripen. after a closer look no obvious fungus was spotted. will continue treating mother ADF as normal. moved outdoor ADF into 18/6 tent as freeze is expected for a few days. LST her. F1s look good seed production looks normal.
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Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
Been busy and memory on phone full nothing important to update.
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Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
2-3 cuttings off Margelo look fine. mother ADF looks worse but Nothing I can Do. f1s progressing. showing shedding of oldest fan leaves. 2-5 checked HST Possible herm, found 6 fully formed completel male flowers underneath the buds in the plant, some were old and opened but with out fans moving air only passively with venting, it appears to have dropped down without pollinating much, checked calyxs in close proximity only 2 were seeded the rest were fine. the other F1s were checked and all had fewer that the hst individual. the leftmost plant that looks the best and was seeded modestly by her brother for f2 seed, had one perfect male blossom found. the over defoliated plant center had approximately 3 Perfect male flowers and also the only one to have a high number of darkening pistels indicating beginning of maturity? randomly selected swollen calyxs were opened and found to be empty leading me to believe that the herming has not ruined the bud for the most part but is very aggregating as the f2 seed will show a high propensity to herm as well Im hoping the back cross will be less inclined to herm. if it easliy Creats a monoecious plant like the F1s have. it leaves two choices abandon the line and do proper growing of the mother to study her and find out how best to try and grow her and do the same with males and only use non herming lines. or keep doing it the fast hard way where you learn and do the planning as shit happens. if they never stop herming in a monoecious way perphas it is a ressive trait and even with a true male chromosome in the gene pool it won't fix the issue as it is sex linked? or will it be possible to force it to evolve back to dieocious? or is it dominant and will decrease as the genepool is culled of that phenotype. only one way to find out.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
2-7 let the plants get too dry should have watered yesterday. Watered today. BC1 seed seems to be starting to finish I think the plant is drying out as the seed ripens. I'm going to allow the f1 females to continue to decline as the they are at 8 weeks of flower, I like letting them go longer to get some amber and mainly cloudy trichomes. also I think the shedding of old leaves is good as it shows the plant is running out of nutrients and slowly flushing as well as pulling nutrients for the seeds. Ill check the center plant soon for trichome ripeness as it was over defoliated and showing a ton of darkening pistels. 2-9 checked Trichomes on The center over defoliated F1, showing constantly milky caps If I start seeing some amber I'll probably harvest. the other 3 F1s are starting to darken some pistels. 2-10 Liquid fertilzed Margelo Cuttings in 1 gals with 4-10-10 to keep vigor down while waiting on Breeding work to finsh. took photos of a standard lighter next to the cute colas.
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Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
11 L
2-15 phone issues not able to take many photos & been busy, tomorrow Is 6 weeks from last pollination on ADF. I'll probably take down the top half the plant and leave the bottom to see if more seed matures. It still has good leaves further down. 3 F1s less defoliated are still increasing bud size. Trichomes look milky on all 4 plants center over defoliated Plant is not showing any amber on calyxs but I'm considering calling it on her to get some bud sooner. Would leave the seed sites and trim/popcorn sites to provide some amount of leaves for seed development. Losing the cutting of the only known Margelo self seed, considering trying to graft it to one of the gal ones to save it but the og plant is still ok as far as I know for now. all F1 Plants are showing Mg deficiency?Im allowing them to pull as much as they can from the leaves to use the nutrients from the fertilizer as much as possible before harvest.
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Week 15. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
First taste over defoliated plant was 2-27 good flavor and strong effects more indica feel to it.
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2-20-22 Hst Plant had one of 4 main colas get bud rot removed whole branch, took down and wet trimmed yesterday rest of plant, also took down the center over defoliated plant and wet trimmed, The other 2 plants could go longer I think but they are showing mostly milky Trichomes planning on harvesting today. 2-21-22 Took down LST second smaller stiffer plant also found the snap sight on it, in a past post I was mistaken thinking it was the HST plant that was snapped. the cola on the main branch snapped and fixed with tape looks as good as the others maybe 20% smaller not bad for 1/4 of the stem hanging on. goal is to get to the best F1 tomorrow for harvest will try to get photos of the last two hanging. seed sites thus far have been harder to find on the unmarked colas then I had thought with the small amout of pollination done they are tucked deeper in the cola and they look similar to the hopefully seedless buds. 2-22 Took down the best F1, Been short on time so rushed trimming on them all. Good enough for me though. fingers crossed. will be putting this line on hold to grow out the Margelo and hopefully get her out of a clone only state, with some feminized seed for back crossing and other plans. Going to start its own diary. Mother ADF for BackCross1 ADF x (ADFxSS) seed is in a bucket upside down whole plant to slowly dry & after ripen seed. will put in fridge in batches soon with most ripe seeds first. after Margelo its back to Adf line. will update this with fuller data when dry and sampled. 2-27 Tried a small amount of the over defoliated first harvested plant, seems great, can't tell a specific flavor profile but it's got a good relaxing Feel more indica lean to it.
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Balankayacommentedweek 33 years ago
Awesome work mate! Good luck to you and your garden! I hope the fruits of your work will be a real treat!
Plantman224commented3 years ago
@Balankaya, thanks!
JaramnieJazzcommentedweek 03 years ago
you have a cool project going on i'm also doing a regular round right now but i have no plan at all i'm just hoping for a nice male that smells good or something and i'm doing some f1 regular seeds but why do u saying 95% a male isnt it 50%?? I'm confused😧 Happy growing
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@Plantman224,ah thanks for the clarification now i understand
Plantman224commented3 years ago
@JaramnieJazz, Thank you. Yes the occurrence of males in regular seed is a 50% chance per seed. so with 1 seed its 50/50 male or female. same if you plant 2 seeds each has a 50/50 chance as individuals of being either male or female. but statics find us the odds or chance of those 50/50 odds. so the more seeds you plant the higher the chance of finding your 50/50 male. with 5 seeds planted its 95% likely at least one will be either male or female. 7 seeds gives us 99% chance of at least 1 out of 7 being the opposite of the 50/50. in other words 7 coin tosses in a row gives 99% chances of tails. I don't know how to put a pic in comments so look in the dairy for a pic of a chart giving the number of plants needed for each odds ratio common in breeding.
Kynarethcommentedweek 93 years ago
plants looking great
Plantman224commented3 years ago
@Kynareth, Thank you.
Sour_Dcommentedweek 63 years ago
Best of luck with your grow! 😎
Plantman224commented3 years ago
@Sour_D, thanks!
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Breeding work. Breeding work.
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