Your ph is spot on so to me, it looks like you've got some lock out issues. I would add some microbes to the soil along with some molasses and CalMag (1 tsp each per gallon) and hold off on any other nutes for about a week. The microbes work to give the roots the best possible conditions and prevent lockout... You probably won't get the yellow leaves back but no worries there... I'm thinking you started nutes a bit too early and perhaps is too great a concentration although I admit I know nothing about the nutes you're using. My rule of thumb is to wait until the plants are about 2 weeks old before introducing nutes and then I start off with 1/4 strength, then water only then 1/2 strength etc...
They look good and strong and I think your issue is easily resolved so don't give up hope! My very first grow I screwed things up SO badly pretty much all the way along and still got a pretty good harvest - I'm sure you will, too! 😊