Aussieman08commentedweek 33 years ago
Hi I love them rdwc set ups just from experience I sit on 300 ppm the 1st weeks until the plant shows its eating all the food and wants more I think u will find they are stunted from too high ppm I've seen some on YouTube have heaps high ppm I just can't see how they do it without burning the hell out of the roots I did one of my best grows without going over 800ppm all the way to harvest the roots stayed pure white the whole grow.
Of course it's totally up to you how you do it my mix was at 600ppm I added more ro and a dash of calmag toget the ppm back down to 450ppm I notice alot of growth every day I look at it.
If u go 600ppm then 3days later it's 200 ppm yeah raise it but if it's still 600 3days later or even higher like 650 it's drinking more water they are definitely stunted tho buddy.
Just trying to help.cheers