Day 64 (22/3)
-today is the 1st time she got 12 hour darkness.. I had to flip her to 12/12 because it is not autoflowering. Remove my younger plant to old tent. This one only using 200w now. Growth are really2 good. Steam are thick and solid. Planning to scrog too. Water 1L ph6.5 only
Day 65 (23/3) FLOWER
-today I DIY a scrog wire using pipes and thin metal wire. Defoliate some under grow and let it grow baby. Oh ya, few pistil appears too.. 12 12 flipping time is showing immediate result. THIS IS FOR SURE NOT AUTOFLOWER...SEEDCITY OR SEEDSTOCKER GAVE ME WRONG SEED.
Day 66 (24/3) FLOWER
-water 1L ph6.5 mix with 9ml growth, 9ml bloom and 1.5ml calmag. I split the main stem into 2 when pulling the biggest branch under. I just tape and cable tied it.. Hope its ok.😭
Day 67 (25/3) FLOWER
-making heavy defoliation and adjusting the air circulation inside. daytime temp is 28'C and HD is 55%.
Day 68 (26/3) FLOWER
-make the worst mistake today. Got so drunk last night and passed out at a frens house so i didn't off the light . Went home at 12pm today and decided to off it until the next normal light time. Hope everthing is okay and it didnt not regenerate to vegetatitive state. Amen!
Day 69 (27/3) FLOWER
-did nothing
Day 70 (28/3)
-put everthing back in main grow tent . (the smaller plant and 2 LED light). Back to 18/6 light. Water 1L ph6.5 mix with 7ml growth, 6ml bloom and 1.5ml calmag. Detect some purple in the top stem.
Hey pal. Nice grow. Your mix 2-1-7 is more of a late flowering mix pal. 2 is parts of N 1 is phos and 7 is pot too high. More of a 5-2-2 is required for growth phase or higher lower parts but to that amount equally they should be apart. Good luck pal.
@Doctor_Greenthumb, why? are you putin's fan? its not a not russian doing delivering the message that putin is the new hitler...fuck off man.. this is free world.