I started a process called "Bud Swelling" It's described https://seedmarket.com/blog/en/make-cannabis-buds-harder-and-more-dense-with-one-simple-operation/ . I'm not sure I took enough off the tops tho. I might try again this week.
And, in another week, I'll feed and then let her dry out for about 11 days.
This is twice as long as my regular feeding schedule but I understand it's effects are to increase rosin / trichomes. This is what I'm wanting from my plants. This technique is described as a "Controlled Drought Stress". Find this study - https://journals.ashs.org/hortsci/view/journals/hortsci/54/5/article-p964.xml [I thank Krissi1982 (on another forum) for this discussion].
Added more fans for temp control as we're getting up to 81F.
If you have a mind, try this: Compliment a stranger and watch their reaction. My experience has been to watch for their smile and this makes me feel good also. I'm finding kindness is contagious. No masks needed.
Be well my friends.
She's a beauty! Keep up the great work. And thanks for the rec for the GROWSTAR Newest MN-W3000 LED Grow Light Bar -- I think that'll work well for me.
She's looking amazing! If you could take some pics with a white background just before/after harvesting and e-mail em over to reinoud@amsterdamgenetics.com that'd be much appreciated 🙏