
Pre 98 and Grape Ape

3 years ago
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
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Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
georgia pie
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
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pre 98 bubba kush
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
pre 98 bubba kush - %
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
og1kenobi - %
Grape Ape
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Grape Ape - 80%
Commented by
LarfLollipop LarfLollipop
3 years ago
It was a difficult germination period this run with some unexpected results and delays. At least we hit our plant limit and will not have to clone out! FYI with work and feed/watering times I try to accomplish this at lights on for everyone's reference. 01/22-We are germinating 2 Pre 98 Bubba Kush seeds from Papa Seed Co. and 2 Georgia Pie bag seeds. Using 50mL of water each to soak in. Depending on if tap root is showing or not, we will either switch to paper towel method or go directly into substrate. Also since Georgia Pie is bag seeds I have Og1Kenobi from Papa Seed Co. at the ready to germ to fill my plant count. 01/23-No tap roots yet. All seeds are still floating. We are switching to paper towel method. We will store them in a ziploc bag in a dark place at comfortable room temperature. 01/24-Both Pre 98 Bubba Kush(P9-1&2) have popped a tap root! Georgia Pie there is no action. Just incase I will germinate 2 Og1Kenobi from Papa Seed Co. as well. So I transplanted P91&2 into solo cups with a substrate of 70% Coco Coir and 30% Rice Hulls. Moved them into the tent under the light that is 24" away from the substrate and I adjusted the Light Intensity to 60%. Also set my AC Infintiy to auto mode of 25C Max and 70% Max to keep a proper environment. Spritzed P91&2 with 100mL of RO water. Then I put the 2 Og1Kenobi(OGK1&2) seeds to soak in 50Ml of water each. 01/25-Switching OKK1&2 to paper towel method. Still nothing from Georgia Pie seeds(GP1&2). P91&2 are showing a fuzzy taproot emerging. Spritzed 150mL RO water on them. Need to add a humidifier! 01/26-GP1&2 and OGK1&2 are still showing no sign of life! P91&2 both broke soil. Spritzed 100mL RO water on them! 01/27-Still nothing from GP1&2 and OGK1&2. Just in case I will attempt to germinate two more Og1Kenobi seeds(OGKB3&4). These will soak in 50mL of RO water until transferred to paper towel method. P91&2 both broke soil really well. P91 has spread and shown it's cotyledons while P92 is still trapped under it's husk. Spritzed 100mL of RO water on them until runoff as usual. 01/28-GP1&2 and OGK1&2 still in paper towels not germinating! Switched OGK3&4 to the paper towel method. OGK3 has sunk to the bottom of RO water while OGK4 was still floating. Tossed GP2 as it was starting to mold. P91&2 are about 4cm tall. I increased the light intensity to 70% and spritzed them with 90mL of RO water. 01/29-GP1 and OGK1,2,3,&4 show nothing. I have decided to germinate 2 Grape Ape seeds(GA1&2) also from Papa Seed Co. Put them to soak in RO water. The seed husk was still attached to P92 so while spritzing with the RO water I gently freed the cotyledons using tweezers. Spritzed 100mL. 01/30-Not checking on GP or OGK today! Switching GA1&2 to the paper towel method. My light timer was stuck in the always on position, got it fixed now. Spritzed P91&2 until runoff with 100mL of RO water. The weight of the spritz on the foliage of P91 made it lean all the way on it's side. So I lifted her up with a plant stake. 01/31-Checked on GP1 OGK1,2,3,&4 GA1&2 nothing :( I may have to clone the Pre 98 to fill out my plant max. P91 is standing on its own again without the aid of the plant stake. Fed 100mL of RO water. 02/01-GA2 popped! Transplanted to the solo cup with 70% Coco Coir and 30% Rice Hulls. Spritzed 75mL RO water on her. Spritzed P91&2 with 100mL RO an P91 is leaning again. So I rotated them under the light to try and correct this. 02/02-GA1 popped! Will not have to clone out to reach my limit because I was not going to germinate anymore after these! Transplanted immediately to solo cup and gave 75mL RO water. All 4 plants are under the light now. Propped up P91 again with a plant stake to prevent it from leaning. Spritzed GA2 and P91&2 with 50mL of RO water each.
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Kynarethcommentedweek 03 years ago
good grow buddy
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Ganja4Showcommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow and enjoy the process 🌱😎👊
LarfLollipopcommented3 years ago
@Ganja4Show, ty much appreciated
Kynarethcommentedweek 03 years ago
good grow buddy
LarfLollipopcommented3 years ago
@Kynareth, ty ty
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
LarfLollipopcommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, for sure. ty
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
LarfLollipopcommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia, thank you
cannapassioncommentedweek 33 years ago
The best for the futur 💪👌🌱