It has been really exciting to watch the tiny clones I received from @TheFairyBudmother grow this week. They have shot upward in growth after topping, with both plants starting to really stretch horizontally as well as climbing skyward.
Plant #1 has a cute little second stalk that I hope will be a beautiful cola for me to train into a fun bouquet. Plant #1 is also leaning slightly forward in the pot, though the stem feels strong. Plant #2 seems to be thriving on the schedule of watering 3x/week with meals 2x/week and looks happy, with little red hairs starting to form at the joints where stems form on the main stalk.
I'll see about adding a little soil and some mycorrhizae to both pots in the coming days. It has been suggested I look into a fan to turn on the plants to challenge the stem a little to grow stronger because they're not getting a ton of natural breeze. We'll see what I can find at the dollar tree.