Most clones are well rooted
👉 Eight plants will be selected for blooming (2 different strains of Wedding Gelato)
👉 Six plants will be the new motherplans
On DAY23 I repotted the clones in 1 liter pots. Soil : Plagron Lightmix
Small growtent (90x90); 250 watt
Absolutly beautiful buds! This one is a keeper indeed! i hope i can found one like this in my 2 seeds wedding gelato! 😁The one i got was vigorous but not very sticky once cured and very very little smell...nice high thought!
Anyway fellow gardener you got a smashing wedding gelato phenotype! And you know what she wants!
Jolly well done! 🤩👍
@Oyziphar,okay in my past experiences tho node spacing being further apart is due to not enough light and u can also ensure they all get the same amount by pulling branches more horizontal takes alot of training but the more parallel with the ground ur branches are better yield
Thx my friend. I started these clones in rockwoll plugs. On DAY23 the cuttings were well rooted and I potted the clones to 1 liter pots. On DAY36 I made a selection, and I repotted 8 plants to their final 19 liters smart autopots. On DAY59 I started flowering 12/12. In 2 weeks I'll be harvesting 😍