This week I decided to tackle my thrip issue with some heavy weapons. I removed my ticks and their nest packets and gave all plants a spray down with a solution of Pyrethrum. This is a insecticide made from flowers and is a contact killer. 24 hrs after the spray and there was no sign of any leaf dwellers. So a great victory I feel. It's a great product I got if a little pricey.. but I have enough to last for a lot of grows so a good investment
Growth has been more then satisfactory and she is pushing hard. Flowers are starting to show and her shape and canopy seem to be growing nicely since her topping way back..
Feeding has increased to EC of 1. Still not adding bloom yet just Greenbuzz nutrients grow which is a NPK 4-2-6. Once I have se flower showing and the stretch eases off I will give her some bloom to keep her P and K requirements happy. If she gets really hungry I have The heavy hitter More PK to give her an ass kick.. 💪🤣.
My invisible sun xbar is now running at 100% and I run the uva for the whole light cycle.. total draw from the wall for that is 252w and I have a decent 880umols across the canopy.. colour temps are reading as 3250k.. height was increased when I turned the dimmer up so I'm about 18-20cm from the tallest part of the canopy..
Ii must be stoned as I have written a novel..😂😂🤔
Thanks for looking 👍🏼
I hope you grow some monsters 🌿💚🌿
Stay safe 😷😷😷