Day 78 (May 21, 2022)
Temp: 79F (Day) / 67F (Night)
Humidity: 46% (Day) / 40% (Night)
PPM: 800
Temp: 67F - 75F
- Filled up top-off bucket with 4L of plain RO water for the first time in a few days.
- By running AC at intervals, the water temp has a bit more range now. I’m running AC for 6 hours before lights off, which is averaging a 67f water temp. But after the dehumidifier runs for 4 hours during lights out, the temp water temp is getting up to about 73f, then I kick AC back on and it brings the water temp back down throughout the day.
- Added 8ml of AN Sensizym (daily enzymes) with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook and poured into the reservoir.
Day 79 (May 22, 2022)
Temp: 75F (Day) / 67F (Night)
Humidity: 46% (Day) / 40% (Night)
PPM: 760
Temp: 67F - 72F
- Electical breaker replaced.
- Finally the top-off bucket is draining again and the PPMs are dropping.
- Added another 4L to the top off bucket.
- Added 8ml of AN Sensizym (daily enzymes) with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook and poured into the reservoir.
- Haven’t given any nutrients in 10 days as the PPM has been rising and/or holding in the 800’s. Didn’t see the point in diluting because:
A: The top off bucket is plain RO water and should serve to dilute.
B: The plant didn’t react by displaying any signs nutrient burn or overfeeding.
Did she stall? Maybe...but hard to say as she is in swell mode now.
Day 80 (May 23, 2022)
Temp: 75F (Day) / 67F (Night)
Humidity: 46% (Day) / 40% (Night)
PPM: 740
Temp: 67F - 71F
PH: 5.9
- Added 8ml of AN Sensizym (daily enzymes) with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook and poured into the reservoir.
- Air temp is now pretty stable as well. I’m kicking up exhaust fan with dehumidifier on lights out. During lights on, its averaging 45-49% RH on its own with temp rise due to lights and exhaust which is keeping VPD in check.
- Trichome check - Getting some amber on the top of the buds. Large percentage of trichomes (incl. lower growth) are full-on milky.
- There are some flowers that are bouncing due to the fan so I’ll try and get in and add some support as soon as time allows.
Day 81 (May 24, 2022)
Temp: 75F (Day) / 67F (Night)
Humidity: 46% (Day) / 40% (Night)
PPM: 710/760
Temp: 68F-72F
PH: 6.0
- PPM finally dropped to 710, so I’m going to give a dose of Bloom nutrients and some additives for the first time in five days.
- Added 8ml of AN Sensizym (daily enzymes) with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook and poured into the reservoir.
Before Dosage:
PPM: 710
PH: 6.0
After Dosage:
PPM: 710
PH: 6.0
- Added 5ml of AN Coco Bloom A+B with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook, and poured into the reservoir.
Before Dosage:
PPM: 710
PH: 6.0
After Dosage:
PPM: 750
PH: 5.9
- Added 8ml of AN B52 with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook, and poured into the reservoir.
Before Dosage:
PPM: 750
PH: 5.9
After Dosage:
PPM: 760
PH: 5.9
- Added 8ml of AN Overdrive with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook and poured into the reservoir.
Before Dosage:
PPM: 760
PH: 6.0
After Dosage:
PPM: 760
PH: 5.9
Day 82 (May 25, 2022)
Temp: 75F (Day) / 67F (Night)
Humidity: 46% (Day) / 40% (Night)
PPM: 770
Temp: 67F-71F
PH: 5.9
- Added 8ml of AN Sensizym (daily enzymes) with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook and poured into the reservoir.
- Took trichome photos looking for ripening.
- PPMs are still steady.
Day 83 (May 26, 2022)
Temp: 75F (Day) / 67F (Night)
Humidity: 46% (Day) / 40% (Night)
PPM: 780
Temp: 67F-71F
PH: 5.9
- Added 8ml of AN Sensizym (daily enzymes) with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook and poured into the reservoir.
- Took trichome photos looking for ripening.
- PPMs are still steady.
Day 84 (May 27, 2022)
Temp: 77F (Day) / 67F (Night)
Humidity: 46% (Day) / 40% (Night)
PPM: 770
Temp: 67F-71F
PH: 5.9
- Added 8ml of AN Sensizym (daily enzymes) with 500ml RO water in a water bottle, shook, and poured into the reservoir.
- Took trichome photos looking for ripening.
- PPMs are STILL steady.
- Still popping some new pistils here and there.
- Ran through for a nanner check.