Well so I finally started a 2nd grow after not having too much luck with the first one. It was in a cardboard box with a lower power light and it was a seed I found in my weed bag so it was more of a experiment.It produced 10grams and gave me lots of experience that I hope will help in this new attempt.
I decided to go for a wood closet since the standard grow tent measurements don't fit in my limited space(my bedroom) after weeks of work it's finally done and I can start the grow.
I could have liked to get a more powerful light (240w) but here in Europe the electricity bill it's getting surreally expensive so I'll have to stick to the 120w with Samsung lm301b and some epistar 660nm for red. I've done the math and it provides 34.48 watts/feet^2 so it should be fine for these two ladies.
Psicodelicia it's going to be named Evil Mery(inside joke with my friends) and as seen in the photo she has started strong.
Chizpa's name will be Maria Chispitas. I don't have a photo of it but its root was showing just the tip but enough for it to be planted. That's it for now I hope to get good results this season and thanks for anyone following/commenting/advising etc. See you!
Actualización 20/03/22 - Chizpa sufrió de lo que se conoce como 'helmet head', es decir que la cascara de la semilla no se despegaba de los cotiledones imposibilitando que creciese. Tras unos días humedeciéndolo con un spray de agua y al ver que no lo conseguía por si misma decidí intervenir y me pasé un buen rato eliminando la cascara y la membrana de debajo con el mayor cuidado posible. La operación fue un éxito y aunque los cotiledones no tienen muy buen aspecto, las primeras hojitas de sierra si parecen estar bien por lo que aun confío en que salga adelante.
@Sweet_Seeds, gracia a vosotros por la semilla! Tiene pinta de que va a ser muy fuerte y vigorosa, será un placer hacerla crecer y después, como debe ser, disfrutarla.
Un saludo y buenos humos!