5/10/22, Very productive last week, LST daily opening them up so light gets the lowers, the runt is about a week behind the others but I think she will be the biggest producer (we'll see) running out of room to move em around branch's all over the place. Girls are really starting to fatten up now, super fun to watch. "Peace"
Beautiful! Hey I got a question for you - have you grown Mephisto Genetics before and if so how do they stack up in your opinion? The reason I ask is because I just bought their Forum Stomper Auto and it looks beast but I don't know anything about the company or the breeder, my friend brought the seeds from Colorado and I picked them up from him. He seems to like them
@Troll_Patrol, thank you! That’s so good to know- this being my first auto-flower grow. I was a mid-scale cannabis farmer back in the HPS days and had great success but family and life and I didn’t start back until recently and it seems these have definitely improved since I began seeing on the market 15 years ago. Can’t wait to see what the Stomper will do you in my new grow
@Mitrafiend, Yea man I mostly grow Mephisto Genetics take a look at my diaries, I have a forum stomper grow that was a super fun and a great harvest, they are hands down the elite of auto flower breeders. I hope this helps, check out my diaries you will find 8 or so mephisto grows. " Peace"