Hey there everyone ,
Im so happy to start this diary and this new project for this spring season.
I just received some seeds from Amsterdam Genetics seeds team and im really happy and thankful for this chance those guys gave me to grow their genetics 😁🙏
Due to limited space at the moment , I cannot go bigger than 60X60 grow tent and at the same time I cannot wait to grow at least one of them all so this can only be a multi strain grow under just 100W. So , I will be growing :
2 X FatKid's Cake
1 X Royal Choco (fresh one 2022 😋)
1 X Double Blue
Will be growing them in 3,5lt plastic pots in 100%coco enriched with mycorrhiza and will not transplant at all.
Thinking of keeping them in vegetation for 4 weeks maximum but the plants themselves will show me if they need some more time .
Germinated them using the paper towel old time classics method for me , 4/4 showed little root after less than 48 hrs so I stuck them in the substrate , straight in the 3,5lt pot of coco.
Decided to skip the germination in 0,5 lt cups, like I used to do because I had the feeling that I was just loosing time and adding a bit more stress in their early phase while transplanting. Coco is a well aerated substrate so lack of air/ oxygen won't be an issue, hopefully !
Germination date : 4-4-2022
Date in coco : 6-4-2022
Sprout date : 10-04-2022
Let's GROW then !
Will be updating this Diary at least once a week here and im really excited to share that one with you all!
Follow this Diary so you won't miss my updates 👻
BIG THANKS to AG team once more🙏
Wanna see more content? --> https://www.instagram.com/roof.lower/
UPDATE: 2/2 FatKids Cake seeds never sprouted, after some days I did a bit of digging in the coco and found both seeds still there with no visible roots or anything.
I still have some more seeds of them but decided to just grow those two for the moment and grow FCs on my next round.
Although, considering that fact, I will keep those two in vegetative schedule for more time to cover up the canopy as much as possible!