Again, a week has passed. I repotted the plants into their final 15L/4 gallons shoes with Plagron All-Mix. Plants are looking fine, not perfect, but okay.
It feels like they are a bit overwatered and/or very slightly overfed because of the All-Mix. For now, I reduce the watering by 50%.
Furthermore, I did a FIM on another Jack Herer (#3). The first FIM I did on JH#1 is looking to work out perfectly, as I can see the development of four new stems (check out the pictures). Great!
The SP 3000's intensity was increased to full power, it's very bright. I am happy with the quality of the light. It does what it was built for and does it very well.
Temperature and humidity stats are looking perfectly so far. I hope it stays like that, the days are getting warmer as summer comes our way.
But my ventilation is currently running on intensity level 1/5, so we still have some room for maneuver. In addition, I will get a second oscillating clipfan soon.
Next week I plan to FIM plants that have not been FIMed yet and let them recover. By then, most of the stress for the plants should be over and I can let them grow in peace.
Stay tuned!