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Highgate Atjeh (Aceh) Outdoors

3 years ago
White Widow x Lambs bread x Aceh
Room Type
Boy Harsher - Careful (2019), full album, twice a day
weeks 1
Canopy bonsai techniques
weeks 6
weeks 6
weeks 6
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
3 years ago
These guys are from a WWxLB mother and an Aceh weed father, from a few years ago. The last of the plants were eaten by some squirrels or birds or metropolitan pigs or something... The Widow were originally from a headshop in Camden, the Jamacian Lambsbread from some guy in Brixton, and the Aceh (Atjeh) seeds were brought back from Yogyakarta in Indonesia. I'm not sure about the THC or CBD content, but since ww is fairly strong and stoning, and Aceh is also quite strong - but under 10%,- and a bit more heady, it is a nice mix. The plants themselves have longer, thinner leaves than ww, and are more upright and with less colas. However, they can be pretty tall which is why they are going to have to go outside. I've no idea about the mother plant for these seeds, so whatever happens happens. I'm also not planning to get rid of the males. Well, not all of them. Keep one or two. Ideally, all of them will be seeded batch so I can get a bag of seeds from them when/if they come to flower. People say that seeds are a bad thing, and that the plant puts all its effort into making seeds, and that it's not as potent... I have to disagree with that. Back in ye olde days, weed 90% of the time had seeds, unless someone miraculously came up with some sinsimella. All you'd do was pop out the seeds to make sure it didn't explode in your joint or blow your bowl out. That was sorta funny when that happened to someone else though. People'd get just as high off that weed, and - when skunk, white widow, old beard, lambsbread, etc... started to come around and it was all without seeds - the newer stuff was much higher in THC anyway. Part of me believes that people say, "weed with seeds isn't as good, and the seeds you get you shouldn't grow cos who want's more weed with seeds?" - they just don't want you to have free seeds. It's not like the genetics of the plant changes with the new seeds, if it's the same strain. Well, a little change. If the father and mother both have characteristics that are desirable, then it's like a double-whammy for selection. It's the feminising that makes the fem. seeds so people don't have the low THC no bud males. That's not a natural process. If you want an autoflowering seed - you cross with ruderalis and then cross again with that plant and do that 3 or 4 times and then say, "90% NL 10% Ruderalis = NL Auto". The plants before the auto had seeds, so growing from seeds rather than clones and saying "it's not good" is rubbish. As I said before, I also think that having seeds in weed doesn't make it any less of a good smoke. It's just - would you rather have an oz of sinsemilla NL or an oz of NL with seeds? Of course you will want the one without seeds (unless you want to grow a few hundred plants). This lot are gonna live outside and are gonna be used to propagate the next generation of White Widow x Aceh weed. I'm gonna have to read up on how to select and cross them with ruderalis to get them to flower out of season... Hopefully they'll be ok in this climate, as it's a lot colder here than London - plus they stink a lot, so I'll have to maybe put them in a tent. Thinking to put them in pots, to keep the size down. If the roots are left unchecked then they might get a bit out of hand, same as any plant like this... :/ They've been kept in cold storage
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Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
1 cm
20 hrs
16 °C
45 %
2 °C
25 cm
These guys - I really didn't expect so many to germinate at all, but they did..! And they're all coming to term, which is nice :) I might even keep them indoors if the autos finish before these guys start flowering. Also if there is space (thatI doubt...). Ultimately, my plan is to take a cutting from one of the CBD mix while it is flowering - they are all feminised, so hopefully that will mean all the CBD mix are females - and then, if there's a male in the Highgate x Atjeh seedlings that are also coming up, I'd like to pollinate the flowering clones so they produce some seeds for next year. There were 20+ of the seeds that were popping up, and since that's a LOT of plants - I've had someone take them off my hands, who will return any males they find, since they're not interested in seeds or cross-breeding. I just like to grow the plants and train them (I would like to try a few bonsai), but some people grow them for, well ... for the medical benefits ;) Ideally, I'd also like to pollinate one of the autos, if I can take a viable cutting from any of them, or pollinate one of the Northern Lights since this is more like the Highgate Atjeh (50:50 sativa:indica) and see if I can get a batch of seeds that will be autoflowering... If that's the case - then, next year, I will grow some of the autoflowers and let them all pollinate before using colloidal silver to hopefully feminise some batches of seeds in order to introduce a Highate Atjeh Auto strain. I'd rather do it with the Royal Dwarf, to cut the size and bush the spindly plants out a bit next generation, but that might have to wait for the future. To pollinate one of the Northern Lights I think might be not quite what I'm hoping to achieve... This is one of the main reasons I keep trying with RQS' Royal Dwarf, even though only one has ever germinated and that plant is looking seriously ill right now. Easy to grow, perfect for beginners?! Those little buggers have been a nightmare..! It was a rare thing to be able to get the Landrace Aceh seeds from a crop I found in Indonesia, and the males that came from that pollinated the Highate #1's that were growing up until a few years ago, OK - but this is the first crop of seeds that I've grown from that so I don't really know what to expect - other than Highate #1 is basically crossed from some bush weed from Jamaica (seeds taken from "wild" Lamb's Bread) that pollinated a White Widow from a headshop in 'Dam, and those guys were fairly tall and with long colas - so with the Aceh, they will probably be even more tall and spindly... Also more sativa-like, which isn't a good thing for me. I'd like them to be a lot shorter, and with more dense colas - even if it was only on the main stem... The purple colouration on the underside of the leaves is interesting, as I didn't see this before. I wonder if it will continue. I'm hoping for the Painkiller XL, Medical Mass and Royal Medic continue to grow strong and be able to take flowering clones from these to pollinate. Though... odds are this will be the first year ever where there are no males, now I actually want some (of course it won't be..!). Early days to be getting carried away but with any goal: See the goal you want to achieve, work backwards to figure out how you will get there - when you get to what you can do now, do it and try to stick to the plan. Improvisational methods are acceptable only if they achieve the objectives in order to achieve the goal. Weed: Just Do It.
Used techniques
Boy Harsher - Careful (2019), full album, twice a day
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
1 cm
20 hrs
16 °C
45 %
9 °C
25 cm
Still not much to say about these guys, other than they are continuing to grow. The leaves are lovely and long - razor bladed. This looks really nice. A couple have decided to go broad-leaf and also be a bit mutant-y, which is weird... The guy who I gave the other 10 too... omg... he has stretched them out so crazy, and lost a few. I would feel bad, but... I gave them away... :( He's been overwatering them big-time, and left them on a window-ledge - I've never seen a plant stretch nearly 20cm before..! I'll find a pic of them, next time I visit him. Jesus wept, I hope he doesn't fuck them up to much..!
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
10 cm
20 hrs
19 °C
66 %
9 °C
200 cm
The week has been pretty overcast, with only 2 days of good sun. Temperature-wise, it has been mild - it is only just May, so there is another 8 weeks before flowering starts, really... Rain has fallen most nights, and this is muddying the soil a lot. I've prepared the area and dug in some blood, bone and fish meal, along with some leaf-compost, worms and the robins are at the grubs and bugs - it will be a decent patch. My neighbour has decided to move her bin to her house, so she has no reason to come up past my place any longer - this is good. I don't like people. I don't like tourists. They decide to just walk into my garden because it's "secret" and "pretty" and they want to explore in private areas, but they run into me and they wish they'd never even heard of this place, after that... I talk them to death..! hahaha :p The summer is - according to local farmers - going to be a hot one. So, even though I know it's not "the best"... I am going to put the plants in a more shady part of the garden where the air is moving a bit more, so they don't get burned and stagnant. There's a tonne of bamboo that's taking over everywhere - I've ripped out so much, but the stuff just keeps on growing..! It makes everywhere feel very wet and it takes up all the best spots in the sun :/
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
10 cm
20 hrs
19 °C
66 %
9 °C
200 cm
Not much to say here, other than the guys chilling outside are chilling, and the one inside it growing very well - he can go out if there's no space when the CBD mix are moved around, after the autos are done... It's fine, but the indoor guy is looking a bit raggedy-anne-susan for some reason, so that's the new name for this strain: Raggedy Anne The dudes outdoors are looking more normal, with thinner blades - idk why the guy indoors has such thick blades, but I guess that's the extra light pumping him up - never did that before. Tbh - I am not sure I will bother much with these guys, as since getting the CBD mix - I am loving those already. Holy cow, they're beautiful..! D: // One of the plants has developed the dreaded whorl - Idk what to do about this, so I am going to do nothing and let nature do its thing. These guys are for pollen and seed, anyhow - if that one is a male, that's fine. Just weird how I am getting such a high percentage of tri's here... I think it must be the leylines..! D:
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Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
15 cm
20 hrs
19 °C
66 %
9 °C
200 cm
There has been so much rain! So heavy too..! I've shifted one of the plants to a more sunny position, and the others might be moved also. They have been growing very slowly, compared to the one indoors (you can see in the photos the difference!), and the ones I gave to a friend - wow... they have really gone nuts! One of the ones I gave to a friend, it turned out to be a male. His are already showing pre-flowers, and these guys have not even reached the 4th node yet..! I also think that one of the landrace seeds was mixed in with my friends... there's one great tall plant shooting up to almost a meter high! D: The others, well, I mainlined 2 of them, topped 2 of them, and the rest grow natural - it's turning out to be an interesting grow for him, and I've shown him how to recognise the sexes. One has started to show bananas, which is a bad sign, but I kept quiet about that... Out of the 15 I gave to him, I think that only 4-5 will be brought to term. It's a shame, but I think that he's learning a lot about how to tend to the plants - the nitrogen deficiency that he ran into (he was scared about over-watering, so let them go bone dry without feed) was fixed immediately - the only one that showed this was the great, tall sativa from Indonesia! :D That one is burning at the top - I really ought to take some photos of them... Anyhow - these guys are plodding along slowly... We'll see in a few months how they go :D One has a few green flies on it, and a bunch of little critters living in the water that collects around the nodes. There's nothing to do about this... Rather, nothing I want to do about this - let nature have its way :D The whorl is growing by itself, now. I'm just gonna let these guys go their own way. Someone recognised them immediately, so... Idk if they will stay here. The foxgloves are coming along nicely, though! :D On a sad note, a pigeon was wounded and I was looking after it for a few days... it was hiding in the bushes - I fed it bread, lentils and water, and was hoping it would get better. It tried to get out a few times, wandering down the alley, so I shooed it back in... but... On the third day, it escaped into the road, and I think someone went out of their way to run it over - it is splatted in the street, with feathers leading in a trail up the road. I am sad... I really wanted it to get better. But there are new pigeons around the place now. One is displaying a very neat collar - it is a collared dove, really. So... it's the circle of life I guess, but it doesn't make it any less sad to lose my little pigeon buddy... // I've snipped the little guy under the lights - he's not gonna get any taller unless it's in that shape, I've decided. The ones outside are ok... getting a bit bigger, not much. One has had its top leaves perforated by something... I'm gonna have to get a photo and ask Loves2Grow or someone who knows about pests. Ahhh dude! I had my mum and her husband (an ex-copper) come round to visit the other day, and we sat in the garden as they had their mental hyperactive dog with them. Fucking thing is insane! Goes ballistic whenever it sees me and forces me to play with it and wrestle. Only about 4-5 months old. I love that dog! :D Anyway, I was digging out a tree stump and my mum's eyes are on the ganja plants in the bed there, and she's staring at them and so is her husband and they pointedly ignore them and the one in the other bed xD hahaha I was discussing where to plant all the foodie greens when I get the stump out (if I do it in time) and she's like, "so yeah, you may as well take EVERYTHING out of that bed then, huh?" hahaha no fucking way, mum - I never listened to you as a kid - I'm certainly not gonna do it now! :P
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
15 cm
20 hrs
19 °C
66 %
9 °C
200 cm
The guys outside are enjoying the sun, and getting a lot of rain! :D They are stretching out in the direction of the evening sun, as that's when it's strongest on one patch - the other guy is leaning towards the others, as it gets it all day - so they are leaning into each other, from across the garden, which is nice! D One of the plants - the tallest and greenest one - is being attacked by something that has perforated the leaves entirely!!! D: Idk what it is, I've not found anything... washed it, brushed it, checked it all over (some aphids and black things in the dew are brushed off) but I can't see anything on the leaves with all the holes. The plant doesn't seem to mind it at all! So I'm ignoring it for now, even though it is still evident on the new growth (might be that it chewed it before). @Gorillagardener says it might be some moth larvae that is munching away, so I will investigate after speaking with him. You can see the difference between the ones outside, and the one indoors..! Holy cow, what a difference LED lights make! I'm keeping that one tiny, and it has formed a lovely canopy - I really like it! :D The leaves are thick and juicy and it just keeps wanting to grow..! I'm using it as a gauge of when to water the other plants. As it's in such a small pot, its leaves drop and rise within a very short time of being watered (it is drinking a bit more since the heat is rising), so it's very handy to know about when to splash the other guys with my home-made watering can. It's a plastic bottle with holes jabbed in the lid :D Works very well! I can't afford a watering can, and why bother when you can use any old bottle with pin holes in the lid :D The maddest thing is this, right: The seedlings I gave my buddy - they were under a 600w HPS for about a month, and they loved it (he didn't love his electric bill tho! So I sold him the TS-600 which he likes). He had eight survive from the fifteen seedlings I gave him (I know... but he's like 70-odd, and is a bit laid back, you know - old hippie). Two of them, we left natural. Two of them we bent over (think it's called "monstercropping" for some reason). Two of them, we topped. Two of them, we mainlined. Half have been males - one I'm not sure about... it looks like it might be a hermaphrodite, or male - it's not developed enough yet, which is odd. Two mainlines are female. One topped is maybe hermie / male, other male. Two bent are male. Natural - one is female, one is ... well - look at the photo xD Hahahaha! I don't think I had the seeds mixed up (I had hundreds), but maybe I did have one of the Indonesian in there... OR It's nature being weird and having one more like it's mother and one more like its father :D It's almost 5 foot tall..! The other is about 12" if that!!! Crazy! The little one is showing some signs again of not enjoying it in the little pot, but it's still going. Yellow tips and some rust on the older leaves - I did burn it by adding hydro nutrients a while back, and it recovered fine - but this looks like a deficiency... The soil must be starting to feel depleted, so I will add some tomorite or something later. I spilled about 300ml of tomorite on the carpet next to the rowing machine by accident. Think I cleared it up ok - can't really tell it's stained it. But the whole carpet is dirty and stained with paint and all sorts, so... Whatevs. I've rooted out about half of them as males.
1 like
Used techniques
Canopy bonsai techniques


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Gorillagardenercommentedweek 53 years ago
Plants are in the ground with you and growing, I wouldn't worry too much about the rain at the moment, it's later on in the season when your plants are flowering that you need to worry about that!, sad news about your pigeon, I hand reared a blackbird chick with a broken foot, she stayed with me in the garden for almost 10 years, she'd even come in the kitchen and steal the cat biscuits from the bowl of the cat that had adopted me, nature eh, ill see if I can find a picture
Gorillagardenercommented3 years ago
@@Teh_Saccade,I think the crux of it is how harsh the winter is, she always had enough to eat and she figured out how to get into my shed and glass house, in the wild I very much doubt a blackbird lives that long
Teh_Saccadecommented3 years ago
@Gorillagardener, Ten years..! Wow! Idk that they even lived that long..!
Gorillagardenercommentedweek 63 years ago
Some nice looking ladies? You got there, all of a sudden they look like proper plants, I love this time of year
Teh_Saccadecommented3 years ago
@Gorillagardener, Ha! They have been so hard pruned for so long - I think they're making up for it with growth I don't have space for..! D:
Gorillagardenercommentedweek 43 years ago
Nice acanthus
Teh_Saccadecommented3 years ago
@Gorillagardener, Nice! Thanks for the recommendations..! and also for the genus - I had a look and you are right..! I guess the other ones didn't take, but one is enough :D I have in there atm for some bigger leaf, a few different fox gloves (hopefully purple and whites) which are going well. A few I have even transplanted with good success, which was a nerve-wracking experience :p Behind those guys, I have a load of papaver somniferum (big purple and white flowers) which ought to start coming up next month and also in August, as well as some mandrake which has similar coloured flowers - a very nice and soft lilac colour. The bees love all the purple flowers :D
Gorillagardenercommented3 years ago
@@Teh_Saccade,hey dude if you're looking for large leaf stuff have a look at rodgersia bronze beauty or a tetrapanax the plant you have in the picture is acanthus spinosus, mollis has a softer rounder leaf
Teh_Saccadecommented3 years ago
@Gorillagardener, He is a nice one..! I think that sea dock is called, acanthus mollis, and is from the Mediterranean area. Idk if it will flower, as the peony hasn't flowered again... but it is one of the few things that competes against the bamboo that I am constantly ripping out, in the war against it destroying the flagstones and popping up everywhere it is not wanted (I wish whoever planted it had restricted it). It was from some seeds that I scattered last year - I threw out several different kinds and a few have taken. Mostly in my neighbour's yards, for which they are grateful - so many new plants have come to this area with me - i'm single-handedly increasing plant diversity in this town :D
Gorillagardenercommentedweek 33 years ago
Nice little yard you've got going on there
Teh_Saccadecommented3 years ago
@Gorillagardener, Morning dude! Thanks! It was trashed after the last guy who lived here use it as a dump..! The house is still a bit run-down, but the front is finally looking decent :D
Majeranek86commentedweek 33 years ago
Nice garden 🍀👍🤩
Teh_Saccadecommented3 years ago
@Majeranek86, Thank you! :D
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Kynarethcommentedweek 03 years ago
hope big buds buddy
Teh_Saccadecommentedweek 43 years ago
I really hope that the papaver somniferum come up - they are scattered all around with the poppy chaff in that same section..! It doesn't get such great light, but it would look so nice..!
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