
DJ Short Flo and Bodhi Rainbow Serpent

2 years ago
Germination Method
Peat Pellet
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 92%
Method popularity - 7%
Avg. success
DJ Short - 71%
Flo - 40%
Rainbow Serpent
Avg. success
Bodhi Seeds - 90%
Rainbow Serpent - 25%
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Bag - %
Commented by
beachbum beachbum
2 years ago
On the day of the full moon, the seeds were planted directly into hydrated Jiffy peat pellets. The pellets were put on top of a seedling mat with thermostat set to keep the temperature in the tray to about 80 degrees F. No dome was used. The pellets were misted with a spray bottle each day to ensure they were kept moist. These are regular, not feminized seeds. I plan to grow these large enough to take a good-size clone off the top and root then flower the clones to sex them, then grow out the females. The (best of the) original plants started from seed will be kept as "mother" plants to use for cloning for future grows. This is my first photo grow. Only autos up to this point. My flower tent is currently empty, since I was waiting for this new 2-chamber tent to arrive to get started, received the wrong tent, a 3x3' one-chamber tent, on the first shipment and had to wait for the correct tent to re-ship, then once it finally arrived I had to wait nearly a month for the full moon in order to germinate. The previous grow finished about a week or so after this tent finally arrived, while I was waiting for the right moon timing.
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GODSGIFT_2005_JMweek 6
Best wishes bro! Check out my 🌸 ︻╦╤─ AK47 by Ganja Farmers. Thanks! 👍
CrazyHorseweek 3
All the best 😇 Happy growing 😇 💪 🙏
GanjaReaperweek 19
Goodluck Growing🌱🙏
Captensmokeyweek 20
Succes with you're grow enjoy😀😉
Faceinthecloudweek 17
I wouldn't be sure whether a plant was male or female until putting it in flowering light cycle for a few weeks. I recently grew DJ shorts Blueberry F5 and Blue V2, which I was able to re-veg, but the two big Blueberry F5s have not come back and I am about to call them and replant, but they did produce hundreds, maybe thousands of seeds crossed with the male Blueberry F5 I grew out and then shook all over them. It's amazing how little flower you get when the plant makes seeds. But now I have enough seeds from my initial pack to grow out 50 at a time and pheno hunt for the most blueberry I can find. Gonna put them in solo cups and re-veg them after a handful of weeks in flower, and transplant to 5/7 gal pots with a fresh JMS (JADAM Microorganism Solution) to help ease the transplant and boost root growth. Your bonsai trees look cool. I'd wanna be sure before I chop any. You could stick it in a little cardboard box with a light hanging above it on a 11on/13 off timer and you should know for sure a few weeks later
DreamITweek 6
Enjoy growth mate 🍀🤘🦄
Kynarethweek 0
hope big buds mate!!