Hey there! Thanks so much for running a diary for our genetics. Let me know if you need any assistance, we would more than happy to help 😎 Happy Growing!!!
Your doing brilliant for your first attempt, they seem stretched probably because they need more light.
I remember my first grow it was the exact same as yours, I had mine on a sunny window sill then decided to let them outside for a couple of hours and when I came back they were sideways lol
The only tip I can give you is try burying the stem some that will help support them.
I finally bit the bullet after that grow and bought a tent setup and have never looked back.
Any questions feel free to ask, im may not no all the answers but if I do I will try and help.
My growmie on here @Topicannibis_Todd is my go too man if I'm in trouble he normally has the solution
@gogogrow, when I loss / get rid of a plant the others I have growing get more care and attention and end up making up for the one I lost.
We dust ourselves off and keep going thats, we all love it