Transplanted last night into a recycled soil mix that I'm not too sure on the strength of. I also started a compost tea brew yesterday, worm castings, kelp meal, bat guano, aloe powder, and molasses. My air pump died sometime overnight. So I feed the tea first thing this morning. Unfortunately I found out my floor wasn't level, and the water drains to the right where I don't have plants.
I took a single cut of every plant and labeled them 1-11.
Instead of labeling them here I'm going to remember 1-4 is top row, 5-7 middle, and 8-11 is the bottom row.
I read reports that Acid Dawg didn't clone easy, and when transplanting the roots weren't that impressive, so I soaked the peat pucks in kelp meal and aloe powder. If I have any females that the clone isn't successful for, I will just re-veg.