The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

First grow - auto

Approved by Sensi Seeds
2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 7, 9-11
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
10 L
Pot Size
2 L
3 years ago
Germination method used papier towel. When germination started planted the seeds in a starting pot and in a propagator. Waiting till it starts to grow and put the starter pot straight in the 10l pot with dame mix for the soil. Méthode de germination utilisée : sopalin + assiettes. Après apparition de la racine (5mm), graine mise en pot de départ biodégradable pour éviter tout rempotage et en propagateur. À l'apparition des cotylédons les plants seront plantés directement dans le pot final contenant le même mélange de substrat que le pot de départ. Note : mélange similaire trouvé un peu partout (perlite, compost, terreau, ou perlite vermiculite terreau, etc...) pas encore décidé. Le mélange de départ est composé de terreau et perlite. Soil mix kind of the same that what can be found on many threads (perlite, compost, peat Moss, or vermiculite, perlite, soil, etc...) Haven't decided yet. The starting mix is soil and perlite.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
7 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
70 %
20 °C
10 L
0 L
Première semaine écoulée, les plantules ont grandi sous propagateur jusqu'à 7cm de hauteur. Posée à la fenêtre les premiers jours de sorties des cotylédons en augmentant progressivement le nombre d'heure par jour. Aujourd'hui placés en pots et parés pour leur séjour à l'extérieur. Pour compenser le tassement du mix dans le pot et la longueur de la tige, j'ai laissé environ 3cm de tige. First week done on tuesday. Seedlings grew under propagator until 7cm heigh. When the cotyledons popped out, put the propagator on the outside of the window for a few hours then back inside. Did the same everyday until the seedlings reached their actual size. Today put them in pots for their journey outside. As the mix will get more compact afterwards and also to help thé seedlings hold on better, planted the seedlings down so that about 3cm are out soil PS edit : Mix : 2L compost 2L perlite 6L terre de bruyère (Ericaceous compost, which is more a kind of soil then real compost) Contenance des pots : 11L, geotextile
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
9 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
70 %
22 °C
20 °C
10 L
0 L
2ème semaine... Les deux plants poussent comme il faut en début de semaine et les premiers défis face aux éléments et nuisibles commencent, malheureusement ils se sont couchés avec les températures de début de weekend qui sont montées à 40°, suivies par un orage de grêle.... La tige d'une des deux a légèrement craqué et ne tenait plus, donc j'ai essayé de l'enterrer un peu plus en rajoutant du terreau, pour l'instant elle semble viable, mais j'avoue que cela m'inquiète un peu pour la suite. Avec les fortes pluies et grêle j'ai également été confronté à une invasion de limaces et ai entouré les plantules de cendre de cheminée. Également aperçu quelques fourmis en repérage (2-3 max), ai ajouté de la cannelle en poudre au terreau apparemment l'odeur les décourage, à suivre.... 2nd week finished, seems both of them are doing right.... But had some major problems and now is the point were war starts 😂. First, elements... Friday and saturdays were really hot, up to 40° and plus.. After a short while they fell down. One hot straight back up after having some water, the other one was too bent (seems it broke at the base) but digged it a little deeper by adding slightly more soil mix, well see if it can still continue the road. Then storm came... And with it the second point : pests. Slugs came out (noticed some slime on the soil and lots around the pots) so i've put some ashes around to prevent them coming back. Also noticed 2-3 ants, so put some cinnamon powder on top of the soil with a team spoon (apperently they hate the smell of it). So now juste have to wait and see... Alea jacta est et si vic pacem, parabellum 😂 PS : je me suis servi de la taille originale des plantules, sur les semaines suivantes je reprendrais les hauteurs hors sol de Trinity comme étalon ce qui causera un décalage de taille avec la pousse équivalent à 4cm et 3cm de plus avec Neo used the original plant size, from now on will use only the height out of the soil mesures on Trinity, which will decrease the height of the plants by 4cm and 3cm more for Neo La hauteur totale est de 9cm pour les deux, Trinity est haute de 5cm hors sol et avec les soucis climatiques Neo est à 2cm. Cependant je les avais déjà rempotés plus profond de 4cm pour raccourcir la base de la tige. Size of 9cm is total for both, Trinity is 5cm out soil and with the issues i had, Neo is 2cm out soil, but both were at first digged in the pot for 4cm more to shorten the plant base.
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
6 cm
16 hrs
20 °C
No Smell
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
10 L
0 L
Malheureusement le lendemain de mon précédent post Neo a regagné la Matrix et Trinity se retrouve toute seule. À la finale la brisure en base de tige était trop prononcé pour que je puisse la sauver. Depuis Trinity a commencé son troisième étage et tjs par set de trois feuille ce qui lui donne un petit look sympa. La cannelle contre les fourmis s'est révélé efficace, la cendre pour les limaces idem. Préparation en cours d'une solution maison avec base de marc de café, peau de banane en infusion, une fois finit, ajout d'une cuiller à café de cendres et de cannelle en poudre. Une fois passée, dilution à hauteur d'1/4 sur 1L d'eau et utilisé une fois par semaine en place de l'arrosage classique à l'eau. So for this week bad news, Neo went back definitely inside the Matrix and Trinity is left alone. The base was too broken to keep up, the second pair of leaves popped out, but the first set and the cotyledons went yellow showing it was time to forger about it when the second set stopped growing. Trinity on the otherside keeps on a good growth, third set already popped out still with three leaves and fourth one is coming also. The cinnamon against the ants did the work as dis the ashes for the slugs. Started a homemade solution with coffre ground, bandana peel, infused in water. Once ready (one week at last) will add a tea spoon of ashes and one if cinnamon, filter everything and use 1/4 on 1L. Will be used once a week instead of normal watering
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Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
13 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
10 L
0 L
Une autre semaine écoulée... Pas grand chose à dire, préparation d'une infusion de peau de banane, diluée à 200ml pour 1L d'eau, arrosage selon besoin. Another week done... Not much to say, got the banana peel juice ready, 200ml for 1L of water used instead of only water, when watering is needed.
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
25 cm
16 hrs
35 °C
No Smell
50 %
22 °C
25 °C
10 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Water 800 mll
Banana peel juice 200 mll
Fin de semaine difficile avec la canicule. Mais Trinity tient toujours et a presque doublée de taille. Arrosage avec eau du robinet, ou eau de cuisson, ou solution peau de banane. Ça n'est pas aussi efficace que les solutions du marché, mais l'apport ponctuel semble quand même lui donner un petit coup de fouet donc pourquoi s'en priver 😂. Another week done, a bit hard with the high temps those days. But Trinity did well and almost doubled her size. Watering with tap water, or used water from veggies cooking, or banana peel juice. Doesn't work as good as classic nutrients products, but still gives a little boost, so as it's free and re-use, why not 😂 ?
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Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
38 cm
18 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
50 %
22 °C
24 °C
10 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Water 800 mll
Banana peel juice 200 mll
Pas grand chose à mentionner cette semaine, Trinity continue sa croissance tranquillement. N'a pu passer qu'une demi journée hier avec la chaleur (40° à l'ombre juste à côté d'elle) donc rentrée vers 17h car elle commençait à courber. Dès qu'elle était mise au "frais" elle a repris de suite, petit moment de stress mais elle s'en remet. Nothing much to mention this week, Trinity grows gently. Could stay out yesterday only half day because of the heat (40° in the shade where the plants usually dit). Brought her back around 5pm because she was starting to bend. But asap inside she went back to normal quickly (never thought i could see something like that happen, it was litterally moving within eyesight 😳) a but stressful for her and me, but amazing to see what a plant can do. Now she looks happy as before. Kept her inside the veranda today because of risks of iceblocks (not sure of my translation here might not be the right word) raining. She'll go out later on this afternoon. Trying not to make too big temp gaps, because she already had enough stress yesterday with the heat. PS : À toute la communauté, j'espère que si vous avez essuyer les mêmes température ces derniers temps vos petites se portent bien. Happy grow !!!😉👍 To all the fellows grower of this community, if you recently had those kind of crazy heat temperatures these days, i hope your "girls" are all fine and growing good. Happy grow !!! 😉👍
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Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
58 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
40 %
22 °C
26 °C
10 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Water 800 mll
Banana peel juice 200 mll
Semaine bizarre, parfois on se serait cru en plein automne et le lendemain retour en plein été... Eu des températures variant de 16° le soir à 35° en pleine journée... Pour limiter le stress l'ai placée dans la véranda pour un contrôle approximatif de la température (en soi elle agit comme une serre...) Réussi à n'avoir des variations que de 2-3°, nuit et jour à environ 28°. Reçu les clips LST de la prochaine série et pas pu résister à tester, en ai placé deux en test, ne sachant pas trop s'ils sont mis comme il faut, on verra bien. Strange week, somedays feeling like in autumn (hello, outside night temp around 16° sometimes) and back in summer the next day... To prevent stress, moved them in the véranda wich actually acts like a green house and when outside temp really close to inside temp, moved her in front of the door. Doing this managed to have only 2°-3° différence at approx 28° (thanks to the heater when it was too cold). Received the LST clips for next batch, tried on two to see how it works, not sure am doing it right but at least will learn from it. Now giving banana peel juice twice a week. Around 1L-1.5L each day.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
72 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
40 %
22 °C
26 °C
10 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Water 800 mll
Banana peel juice 200 mll
Finalement une semaine à peu près normale, malgré la sécheresse. Les bourgeons grossissent et le pistils sont bien blanc. Pour le moment, passé au jus de banane 2fois par semaine. Finally a quite "normal" summer week, even with the drough. Buds slowly forming, with nice white pistils. For now watering twice a week with banana peel juice, plus tap water the other days.
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Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
75 cm
18 hrs
31 °C
40 %
22 °C
24 °C
10 L
2 L
Nutrients 2
Water 800 mll
Banana peel juice 200 mll
Une autre semaine écoulée. Les choses commencent à sentir bon si je puis dire... Trinity est encore ramenée à l'intérieur la nuit et l'odeur du matin est délectable. Elle n'a pris que 3cm depuis la semaine dernière donc je pense qu'il est temps pour elle d'arrêter de croître pour faire grossir les buds (je sais pas s'il y a un terme pour cette phase de la Flo). Pour la photo de couverture, c'est une des feuille éventail du haut de la plante sur une enveloppe avec quelques modifications de couleurs. Another week done. Things are starting to smell good should I say.. Keeping bringing Trinity back inside for the nights, and in the morning the scent is soo nice. Only took 3cm since last week, but i guess it's now entering the buds flowering phase (don't know hainti call that, but assume the plant won't grow more and she will concentrate on growing the buds). Cover pic is a cut leaf from the plant on an enveloppe with some colour modifications.
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Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
75 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
50 %
22 °C
21 °C
10 L
2 L
Nutrients 2
Water 800 mll
Banana peel juice 200 mll
:lonely day - SotD: (to have the instrumental) Just another week... And it's time.... Another week in her liiiiiiiife.... Now more seriously : As said, another week went, pistils are swapping for buds slowly and even starting to go orange. Some fan leaves are starting to loose their green colour slowly, didn't notice anything (it's not starting from somewhere on the leaves but some leaves are loosing colours evenly then turn yellow and fall), but will keep an eye on it for deficiencies, as i think maybe it's a bit early for this kind of behaviour. If it's natural, i might do a little cutting of them to help her focus on the buds (is this triming ?). Think Trinity is starting to concentrate the few nutes from the homemade solution and the soil on the buds instead of the leaves (but find it a little early for that). Sun was hard in the WE, and now raining cats and dogs. Hopefully can move her inside the veranda when it's raining too much. As she grows, my impatience does also, but it's better to call it "my urge for trying it". Will soon have to put a panel next to it mentionning "thou shall not pass !!!" to be sure not been toi noob and harvest too early 😂. (Nah, no worries, it's my first one so i'll give all the attention it needs, cause i know it will play in the end, as for experience gain and quality wise)
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Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
75 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
50 %
22 °C
21 °C
10 L
2 L
Nutrients 2
Water 800 mll
Banana peel juice 200 mll
Fine week, not so sunny, but heat was away. Trichs are still a lot transparent, but pistils starts ton be fairly orange. Leaves slowly continues ton go yellow but didn't notice any other bad signs and still it's the fan leaves. Think maybe another 2-3 weeks to go, will keep an eye on the trichs.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
2 cm
25 °C
64 %
21 °C
10 L
Nutrients 2
Water 800 mll
Banana peel juice 200 mll
Update : Thanks for the replies, it help me out take a decision. Picked up the cutting option as i know how quick bud rot can spread if not noticed at the right time, and even if i did notice it quite early, it was already too late (as for a beginner like me). I've seen how bad it can get even for growers with expérience (so sad for you mate). Also... Havresting now even if too early i might salvage 50% in the best case scenario, worse one been having to get rid of all. How i did it ? Biggest issue was creating an aseptized environnement. 1- didn't take the risk of doing it where the grow room is. 2- used 2 scissors, 2 trays, 1 deep tray, 1 spray, sponge, microfiber cloth, cleaning alcool 70°, brake cleaner (yes, you gotbit right, brake cleaner 😂), latex gloves, net, cloth hanger. 3- cleaned everything with the brake cleaner, why ? Because it takes out most dirt easily and also dries almost instantly (and i also do some mechanics i always have some at home). 4- in the deep tray, put the scissors and soaked them in the alcohol for 1h, dipped the spong in it and cleaned the 2 others trays, let dry. 5- with one scissors cut the branches and put them on 1 tray (used the microfiber to swipe it before tonmake sure it was all dry). Brake cleaner again on the scissors and swipe with sponge. 6- cut all the buds from the branches and put them on the 2nd tray. Cleaned the first one using same method (brake cleaner + sponge soaked with alcohol and micro fiber to dry). At this point changed gloves. 7- thought about another issue... Bud rot is sneaky so deciced to undo each bud as much as possible, even if it would result in a huge amount of popcorn buds. Reason is to let them breathe as much as possible. So cut the buds softly one by one into smaller buds, checking everytime for any signs of rot. Then did the triming and put the buds back on the first tray. Then cleaning process again + took off gloves. 8- didn't find peroxyde hydrogen but got oxygen water 10vol. It's the closest i could find around in a short lap of time. Checked about it, found out it would be fine mixed in 1L water for 150ml. Got it in a spray and ready to use. 9- made a dryer with an old cloth hanger + some bugs net, supposed to be for drying, but would do a nice job with the cleansing process. Disposed the buds on it and gave a good spray (cloudy type) about 20 cm distance, on top AND beneath. Didn't keep the soil or else just in case and put them in a garbage bag, wich is now closed and away. With the first cut from yesterday night, almost half was already away. Main cola was getting struck on all it's lengh. While taking care of the buds, noticed the two next left on the main cola where already struck, so eventually i think i have around 45% to 50% of the harvest it should have made. Will let them dry as much as possible and check them again one by one, turning them over and giving another round with the spray. Then do another check when enough dry again, if it's ok start the real drying process up to curing. Had a look at the trichs, indeed they are not mature enough, but still a few being cloudy (i'm not sure about that part though 😅). But one thing i'm sure is, at least i rather be able to use my harvest even if the high is far from it's potential but salvage, then end up with nothing. If it was on several plants at once i would maybe have tried other options just to learn more as well as going through a salvage process, but on only one plant and with so few experience, risk is too big. Still it's kind of a warning 'cause i'm having humidity issues in the tent also, for now it's not critical, but i need to figure out something to lower humidity. Week started great... But in two days got wrong... High humidity outside and didn't really notice as it was hot (should have with the clouds maybe...) Top Bud was looking strange so unfolded it gently and noticed.... Black mold 😭😭.went around all of them it looks it didn't spread much yet but lost a consistant part of the harvest... Think i'll have to harvest tomorrow wich is quite early or worse... Will add a question through the diary and wait tomorrow to decide what to do (+some researchs)
Grow Questions
Raizenstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hi fellow growers, i noticed some black mold on some (quite) buds. So cut them and sent them away RIP... My question is should i harvest what is left asap or let the lady have an eternal rest ? 😭 Pics on the diary.
Buds. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Raizen... you've caught me doing exactly what you are doing here... My advice is to chop now and save whatever you can of her! I tried to cut out the bud rot and let the rest of the plant continue but it spreads and spreads and spreads.... the spores have a rather deadly aim! I've been cutting out so much every day, my actual harvest is going to be sad. I was waiting because I wanted the trichs to improve just a LITTLE - but they're not ... so I'm pretty sure my entire grow is going to go to edibles or some such.... But that's ok... a learning experience for me! Chop NOW... don't wait... it's not going to be worth it! And expect, when you trim, to find even more of that nasty fungus... when you encounter it, cut it out and sterilize your knife/scissors/whatever.. and spray a little bit of a 1% hydrogen peroxide on the area ... this will effective kill the spores that are right there but the hydrogen peroxide will evaporate nicely off the buds... Good luck... get to work!
Week 12. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Okay... Except from the humidity issue, which was my Bad, was a nice grow. A bit disapointed, but not about the strain, which grew well, few bugs issues but that happens in outdoor growing so in the end quite happy about this first grow in the overall.
Show more
Spent 86 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
15 g
Bud wet weight per plant
10 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Earthy

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Now to sum up... For a first grow, was really interesting and fun to grow. Strains was normal to grow for a starter, maybe a more expériences grower would have even find it easy. Didn't go through much hazel while growing until the end came and thé poor lady caught too much humidity (climate around here is good, but a pain as it can change sooooo quickly like hard Sun one day and the other one raining cats and dogs). As for the results, got around 10g dried (didn't weight wet so have put 15g, as an estimation). It's now on curing process, but tried it when just finished dry, at least two see if any bad taste that could have been an alarm for more bud rot. Was fine, though as expected low high (but still even if slight, there was one).
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homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Raizencommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia, thanks 😉👍
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 03 years ago
Welcome to the growdiaries community and good luck with your grow! I LOVE growing autos!
Raizencommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, thanks 👍. Nothing is a waste of time when it comes to learning and obviously the auto are a quick way to learn a lot because the ease of control they offer. I'll send a msg if i have a question 😉
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@Raizen, you'll find a lot of folks here think autos are a waste of time... don't believe them! And if you EVER have ANY question, just shoot me a msg... I may not have all the answers (don't pretend to!) but I'm more than happy to try to help out!
Raizencommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, thanks 😉👍. It's the vert first time i'm growing something (really) and was said auto are good to start learning so finally went for it
spydercommentedweek 03 years ago
good luck with the grow.... enjoy
spydercommented3 years ago
Raizencommented3 years ago
@spyder, thanks 👍😉
Edward_Dcommentedweek 73 years ago
Good luck with cultivation! that it grows beautiful 🙌👊👌
Raizencommented3 years ago
@Edward_D, thanks ☺️, being sooo impatient for that first harvest 😅
Dingle_Danglecommentedweek 03 years ago
#OUTDOORGANG Welcome on board 😉🌞
Raizencommented3 years ago
@Dingle_Dangle, thanks 😉👍
agoracommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck and happy growing! 🌿🌿
Raizencommented3 years ago
@@agora, thanks !! Enjoying it for now (easy part done 😂)
Mz876commentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck 🍀 with your grow . I just germinated a few seeds myself. Happy Growing 😄
Raizencommented3 years ago
@Mz876, thanks 👍😉, happy growing too
Grow_Chronicles_888commentedweek 03 years ago
Best of luck! Happy growing! ✌️🏻
Raizencommented3 years ago
@@Grow_Chronicles_888, thanks 😉👍
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 03 years ago
Hey there friend. Congratulations on getting into growing cannabis! Would you be alright with me offering some pointers to help? So cannabis plants LOVE heat and humidity. It is the buds that hate it. In veg we want to take advantage of this fact to help our plants grow along much quicker and more vigorously. In veg we can look for temps of 79-84 MAX with lights on & no more than 9 degrees less with lights off. If we allow for too much temperature swing between lights on and lights off while the plant is still growing vertically up to day 20 of flower, We will cause the plant to stretch ALOT which we do not want. So in veg & early flower, Keeping our temperature gaps nice and close between lights on and off is key. Utilizing humidity in our rooms during veg will also help out a lot with more rapid growth but we must introduce it properly. In our rooms we have our temperature and humidity set-points, But when we combine those 2 it forms a third set-point which is the most important & that is called VPD, Vapor pressure deficit. I strongly recommend every new grower or old grower who has not learned it yet, To study and understand it & implement it into your room, Logging your numbers daily. For soil, We generally want to go for a PH of 6.1 This website does a GREAT job of illustrating it with a nice graph & very good detailed explanation for soil. As we briefly touched on before, During veg & early flower we want our temperature gap's nice and tight to avoid stretch. Why exactly our plants stretch in response to this is a genetic trigger being activated by the environmental stress essentially telling the plant the end of the season is closer than it really is. In veg & early flower the plant is still in its first stage of development which is to grow up wide and tall so when it produces seed, It can cast them out nicely. Remember, Whether we are growing our plants for seed or bud their genetic responses do not change as they do not know any different. Once the plant has finished that first stage of growth by weeks 4-6 of flower with most strains, It is by day 20 of flower. Autoflowers you have to watch for it, But once the plant has finished this goal its new mission is to focus 100% on producing nice big flower clusters & to get very sticky so it can attract pollen to it successfully. So once that vertical growth is finished, We actually now want to begin to expose our plants to larger temperature swings between lights on and lights off. This will help activate that genetic response and allow us to draw out the most potential from the strain utilizing the plants genetic triggers to environmental stresses at the right times. We can also take this a step further with doing light deprivation in the last 2 weeks using less light to simulate cloud cover. Very cold feed temps on the last flush is very good too. If you do not have them already, Get yourself a good PAR meter & thermal laser temp gun to monitor your plant top temperatures & optimize how much light your plants are getting. One final thing, A fully mature cannabis plant @ peak consumption in flower, Or group of plants needs to consume 3gallons of water in 24hrs to produce 1 dry pound of cannabis. This equation holds true all the way up & it can be 1 plant or 100 plants but to produce each dry pound that plant or group of plants will need to consume 3 gallons in 24hrs. That equation will be true all the way up, 6 gallons in 24hrs your plant or plants will produce 2lbs dry, and so on. A general mistake made early on by growers is not watering the plants with enough for them to yield the way they should. We are currently in the middle of producing a very comprehensive tutorial series for everybody to learn from & understand how to grow the highest level craft cannabis all on their own. Our first 2 installments are focusing on the basic fundamentals and we are using autoflowers for them before moving onto more advanced series with photoperiods. If this interests you please check out our youtube and subscribe. The first 2 episodes are out the next one is coming in a few days. If you should ever have any questions or need any help, Please feel free to follow my profile and shoot me a DM. I will gladly help you with the pull down & make sure you get the best quality harvest possible as it is the most important step of the entire process. Happy growing friend!
LegacyMarketFarmcommented3 years ago
@Raizen, Glad to have helped ! I strongly suggest headed over to our youtube which is linked off of my main grow diaries profile & subscribing for our tutorial series! Episode 7 will be out in a few days so u got time to subscribe and catch up! I look forward to seeing you over there & hearing your feedback to help us shape the series better!
Raizencommented3 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm, thanks a lot for those starter tips. I'm taking advantage of the summer to let the plants outside, but to start did quite as what you said. Added in the description today 😉👍
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 93 years ago
Hey @Raizen... you're grow is looking superb!! Good job!
Raizencommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, thanks, so happy about it and the more it goes the more interesting it gets 😉👍
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
I picked up the same strain a few week ago. Looking forward to growing it. Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Raizencommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, tried it once during a trip to Eindhoven, and decided to try to make it my very first grow 😉
Nookandplant42ocommentedweek 33 years ago
big growth for these girls!
DreamITcommentedweek 13 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🤘🦄
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 53 years ago
Hey Raizen - I'm jealous of your praying mantis! Good luck going outside buddy!
Raizencommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, thx, this little buddy keeps wandering around, he seems happy there 😂, but wifey said she has seen more in the garden
GreenAutoConsumocommentedweek 122 years ago
Muy buen trabajo, felicitaciones
the end.
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