July 6 - Just 3 seeds in some Coco coir + soil. Weather is about 30C during the day. Will let them germinate by the window sill. Planted them July 6. One wedCheez is literally in a bag because I dropped the soil and couldn't find the seed 😂. Will root around for it as it starts to germinate.
July 7 - Found the bag seed! All three have started to germinate. Seed pod swollen and tap root pushing out. GC has the longest tap root. Put bag seed into her own pot. Quickest germination to date! Likely because of the warm temp.
July 9 - The two that were potted right grew their baby leaves already so I took off the cap. Bag seed still has helmet on.
July 11- Day 6 put on a lamp for light during the night time. The girls are stretching so natural sunlight doesn't seem to be enough.