A couple weeks ago I found balls on GG #2 and I made the decision to try and stay on top of them and pull them since I was so close to harvest. Yesterday I found nanners on her and an immature seed so I obviously wasn't thorough enough on my ball removal and she self pollinated. It became pretty tough to find them once the bud started stacking. She has been removed from the grow room and now I am facing either harvesting her or trying to give her a little more time on those trichs. They are not at all where I would like them but my only option for her light wise is my wall of slider windows which is directly on the sun side about 90% of the suns up time. I know I wont be getting anymore bud production out of her at this point but I am hoping the trichs will get to a place where I am a little more comfortable harvesting. Pretty big disappointment but it was a risk I took. I am also hoping to god she didn't spread herself to her neighbors but all appears well thus far.
@BigDaddyK, Thankfully I have 2 more GG's or I would be absolutely heartbroken. GG is my all time favorite and it was my first attempt at the strain. I have decided to cut her so that I don't risk ruining any others and I can get them to a point I am happy with.
I'm sorry to hear about the GG#2. i would personally harvest her now even though the trichs are not were you want them, but that's just me. Hope that doesn't affect the flavor. Good luck.
@@shadowman, I think that is the plan for today is to harvest her. The trichs are not in a terrible spot but I think it's the best option as opposed to risking taking pollen down into the room with me after tending to her and pulling nanners. Probably way more work than it will be worth in the long run.