Peanut Butter Breath is growing really well. I have not done much with her this grow. She will get the 14 days of flowering defoliation next weekend. I hate to disturb her while she is thriving. Nothing else to report. Thank you Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds. 🤜🤛🌱
Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻
Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
@Tropicannibis_Todd, yeah gonna veg them in the photo room, time they are ready for flower my little tent should be done at same time since I switched it last week ish. Will move probably 2 In it. Make a little room. Plus it will be getting cooler outside by then. 👍🌱
@Ju_Bps, it works really well. Like the Spliff Cheese I got flowering is loaded with roots from doing this. As they go I let the roots get longer and longer. But better control of them.
@Ju_Bps, yes. I been cutting them off about twice a week. Reason why is it stops the roots from becoming really long, and then I have little solution space left. When I prune them off they then start to become more complex, with more ends. I can have a bigger reservoir, which helps with ph stability, and root health. Plus extends time between solution changes. When I first started using DWC I did not cut them. Long roots limited solution amount, plus root rot was harder to keep at bay. I been doing this with autoflowers since I came up with this solution to root issues. It has been working really well. Also let's me control how long they will get how fast. I generally just cut below my previous cuts. Hopefully that made sense if not let me know I can try to explain a different way.
Nice to see new additions and your garden flourish, all the best to the new proteges 🌱💚🍅 The DWC look very good, can i ask how much air your air pump pushes into the buckets?
@Roberts, "I learned a bubbling cauldron look is what is best." Yes that's what I think to...that's why I ask because what you show on the pictures looks perfect for me. I run now twice the wattage in my setup but it's overkill it may not harm my roots but definitely harms my electric bill 🤑
@Metatronix, honestly I got a 35 watt electro magnet pump running several buckets at a time they are all wide open. I learned a bubbling cauldron look is what is best. I am using a silica air stone as well. So I can't really tell you exact amount. My pump runs 6 at a time. Running 3 of 6 now.
Great Robert 💪🏽 seeing your crops, for me, is a bit like going to pornhub 🤩😋😛
I'm particularly excited after seeing the dryer pro🔝🤩 Can't you recommend a slightly cheaper, but still valid, alternative to dry my snowy peaks? Thanks a lot in advance and.... Do yourself well💚💅🏽🔥😍
@CampaCavallo, thank you, and sorry about late response. The cannatrol is really good. Worth every penny especially if you grow multiple plants in perpetual cycles. I don't know of any other devices like it. My advice is save or take out a small loan. I am not sponsored or anything. I just took the leap, and bought one. Then was mad at myself for not doing it way sooner. So.... thanks about the pornhub part. I have some neat grows, but I mess some up as well. I am really bad on feeding too heavy, but the potency has just been crazy good. I can't help it. Thank you again, and happy holidays. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱 dm me if you wish to continue a conversation 👍🏻