Peanut butter breath is growing good. Her tds is pretty high. Trying to hold off till flush time. It should be coming up soon. She appears to be toward the end of bulking. She is looking good and about 2 to 3 weeks left. Ph has stayed very stable with the high TDS. Everything looks like I can make it to finsh as is. Thank you Amsterdam marijuana seeds 🤜🤛🌱🌱🌱
Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻
Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
@Tropicannibis_Todd, yeah gonna veg them in the photo room, time they are ready for flower my little tent should be done at same time since I switched it last week ish. Will move probably 2 In it. Make a little room. Plus it will be getting cooler outside by then. 👍🌱
@Ju_Bps, it works really well. Like the Spliff Cheese I got flowering is loaded with roots from doing this. As they go I let the roots get longer and longer. But better control of them.
@Ju_Bps, yes. I been cutting them off about twice a week. Reason why is it stops the roots from becoming really long, and then I have little solution space left. When I prune them off they then start to become more complex, with more ends. I can have a bigger reservoir, which helps with ph stability, and root health. Plus extends time between solution changes. When I first started using DWC I did not cut them. Long roots limited solution amount, plus root rot was harder to keep at bay. I been doing this with autoflowers since I came up with this solution to root issues. It has been working really well. Also let's me control how long they will get how fast. I generally just cut below my previous cuts. Hopefully that made sense if not let me know I can try to explain a different way.
Nice to see new additions and your garden flourish, all the best to the new proteges 🌱💚🍅 The DWC look very good, can i ask how much air your air pump pushes into the buckets?
@Roberts, "I learned a bubbling cauldron look is what is best." Yes that's what I think to...that's why I ask because what you show on the pictures looks perfect for me. I run now twice the wattage in my setup but it's overkill it may not harm my roots but definitely harms my electric bill 🤑
@Metatronix, honestly I got a 35 watt electro magnet pump running several buckets at a time they are all wide open. I learned a bubbling cauldron look is what is best. I am using a silica air stone as well. So I can't really tell you exact amount. My pump runs 6 at a time. Running 3 of 6 now.
Great Robert 💪🏽 seeing your crops, for me, is a bit like going to pornhub 🤩😋😛
I'm particularly excited after seeing the dryer pro🔝🤩 Can't you recommend a slightly cheaper, but still valid, alternative to dry my snowy peaks? Thanks a lot in advance and.... Do yourself well💚💅🏽🔥😍
@CampaCavallo, thank you, and sorry about late response. The cannatrol is really good. Worth every penny especially if you grow multiple plants in perpetual cycles. I don't know of any other devices like it. My advice is save or take out a small loan. I am not sponsored or anything. I just took the leap, and bought one. Then was mad at myself for not doing it way sooner. So.... thanks about the pornhub part. I have some neat grows, but I mess some up as well. I am really bad on feeding too heavy, but the potency has just been crazy good. I can't help it. Thank you again, and happy holidays. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱 dm me if you wish to continue a conversation 👍🏻