@LordAzrael, Hi - First, I should say is that I have 5 gallon grow bags. I must edit the diary :). I was approaching the watering schedule by waiting for the top 3cm to dry out, but i started to run into underwatering issues where they were drooping, so from then on I started on a feeding schedule of 1L to 2L every 3 days. I would pick up the pot and give 2L to the ones that felt lighter and 1L to the ones that felt heavier. That seems to have worked for me. Eventhough all 4 plants are the same genetics, and growing in identical conditions, they vary in how much they uptake. If i felt that needed extra between feedings, i would just use 500ml of plain water at a time. I think the key is to never overwater as that could lead to issues with roots which in turn will lead to a host of other issues