The pictures for this week were all taken on Aug 11. Some plants are flowering, others are not.
Pot 1: PE # 1 and #2. Plant 1 is looking pretty big and healthy. Plant 2 is way behind but starting to flower now. I've considered culling but will continue the grow as an experiment - maybe she'll surprise me.
Pot 2: PE #3. Nothing special, doing some mild LST but this plant wasnt growing super fast. Entering flower.
Pot 3: WW #1 and #2. Plant 1 is stacking a single chunky cola with limited offshots. Plant 2 was a much more vigorous grower, and was topped once, so she has more side colas, but no large dominant stack. I will not top again after doing this experiment.
Pot 4: GG # 1 and #2. Plant 1 is a slow grower, entering flower now. Plant 2 was stunted and less than 3 inches tall, so was culled yesterday (Aug 10).
Pot 5: AT #1. Slow grower, not yet entering flower.
Pot 6: AT #2. Slow grower, not yet entering flower. This one is in a 3 gallon plastic pot, and its strain sister (AT #1) is in the same-sized fabric pot. Just a mini experiment to confirm that fabric pots are a good choice. Plastic is more reusable than the fabric, so if theres no strong reason to use fabric I would probably switch to plastic pots when these current fabrics wear out.
Pots 7-10: PE #4, WW #3, GG #3, AT #3. I have one of each strain growing "au naturale" in its own 5-gallon pot - i.e. I will not be doing any training on these plants as a control.
No feedings yet, plants are relying on the soil mix. Some plants are beginning to look hungry, so will incorporate liquid nutes into their next watering in a couple days. We had a big rain and all the pots are pretty saturated still.