En esta semana he realizado 2 riegos, el primero con 1500 ml y el segundo con 2000 ml. He usado las cantidades por litro indicadas en los nutrientes. Ya han detenido el crecimiento y empiezan a engordar los cogollos.
I'm going to be applying colloidal silver to a node area or a bud site 1 time a day a week prior and a week after flower start date, and should produce a male pollen sack filled with female pollen.
This will render the plant useless as far as smoking the colloidal silver can have an adverse reaction when burned and inhaled in the lungs and regardless of area you put on the plant. I am only producing and using the clone for the sole reason of breeding.(IF YOU TRY THIS, DO NOT SMOKE THE PLANT YOU PUT COLLOIDAL SILVER ON!) The plant will be isolated the entire time so no cross contamination occurs.