D35, now 5 weeks complete and the lady is going into the flowering, lets hope she will fill up nicely, but she got a good start!! The lady was defoliated and placed for the main run of the flowering. She is strong and lets see what she got to offer.
Ill be more patient when the time to harvest will come, lets get her full ripe first. My last 1 was in the start of the window of haversting, this one will be fully Ripe..if im patient enough.
I did get some leaves out as well as some lower budsites.
hopefully there is still time to stretch to get more height for the colas.
@Mr_Auto, ty very much. Just chopped her at day 93.
She was sticky stinky.
Hope ill gather some grams. The wet we8ght was at 279g... so lets hope for something around 45 gr