6/8/18: Day 18. The girls have been transferred from their Solo cups into their permanent Hydroton medium. My new LEDs are very bright, full-spectrum HiGrow 2000 watt lights (200x10watt EpiLEDs). I started them out at 42" above the seedlings to be safe. We'll see...
This is the second of the two plants. Slight damage can be seen on both plants' leaves, but they both still seem to be happy!
6/8/18: Day 18. The girls have been transferred from their Solo cups into their permanent Hydroton medium. My new LEDs are very bright, full-spectrum HiGrow 2000 watt lights (200x10watt EpiLEDs). I started them out at 42" above the seedlings to be safe. We'll see...
This is the second of the two plants. Slight damage can be seen on both plants' leaves, but they both still seem to be happy!
So, the girls were transplanted into their hydroponic containers and subjected to a new grow light. They're plugging along like real troopers. Just being able to see them growing gives me a real sense of peace and mission. It's so nice not to have to associate with "criminals" in order to obtain cannabis. It seems completely insane to me that I, too, am a "criminal" for growing a plant in a backward state that hasn't yet had its cannabis epiphany.