One of these girls is showing lower tolerance for my regular dose of nuts. I have lowered the amount of nuts to almost half and the reservoir is showing an EC of approx 1.4. I will keep it that way until harvesting, lowering up to 1.2 EC. Other than that, the flowers are slowly getting bigger and fatter. 💪👍
Thanks @GODSGIFT_2005_JM, I checked your grows and they look impressive. I am following you now!
How about the effects of your CBG plant? Did you try it already?
@Grower202085, yep. That is about right. It is a bit of a challenge during the first two weeks, as I grow in coco coir and seedlings quickly show calmag deficiencies.
@BigboyKolo, first time with this strain, so you can never be sure. My guess is that these plants are pretty sensitive with the amount of nutes you are feeding them. I lowered the dose to 1.2 EC, when I am normally giving them between 1.5 to 1.8 of canna nutes. They seem happier now.