Hello and welcome or hello back to my grow report.
I am reporting more than a week earlier than planned.
We are still writing week four.
Day 34 for Crystal M.E.T.H. and Anesthesia.
The reason for this is that shortly after my last update I found mold on most of the shish kebabs.
I thought the space I left was enough. Wrong thought.
I'll put the clay balls back on later.
They offer good benefits:
- Substrate dries out slower
- Light NPK fertilization
- Casts shade on the top layer of soil, allows root growth in this area,
which I never found rooted without clay balls
- Looks cool
I have a new toy consisting of three parts.
The hook
A bendable piece of plastic (used to seal bread bags, etc.), and a wire ring, which are connected to a piece of fishing line.
The anchor
Two sticks of shish kebab connected with a piece of wire.
The weight
Which is a stone around which I wrapped wire, which is sealed with tape. This rests on a shish stick which is stuck in the fabric pot.
Furthermore, I wanted to test whether the plant would remove itself a leaf to continue to grow vertically.
It does not seem to do so. The mainbud area remains horizontal.
Crystal M.E.T.H. was bent over today.
What I did with Anesthesia already a week ago.
She had a leaf removed today. Just for stressing her a bit.
Both recently showed the first little hair.
After about four weeks of growth under 12/12.
I switched from 12/12 to 11/13 today.
So now I report every other Thursday.
Until then. Lets grow!
Im more of a TryandError handyman. But the engineering lies in the family, yes.
This sounds really awesome! I really like all kind of overkill ideas.
@@@@Humussapiensthegreenthegreen, if you are an engineer at heart - you could also use a "Peltier Element" (used in dehumidifiers) and play around - heating the seedlings with one side and using an aluminium cooler on the other side to generate water via dehumidification into a repository that in turn feeds the seedlings.
But this might just be overkill.
first time hearing about this. Thank you for the idea! :)
The current construction give my room a bit extra temp. Its getting fresh outside. :P
Thank you! They are in an nitrogen excess, dont thought the soil would be too strong for them.
Only my AF3F1 seems to like/canhandle it. Learning by doing.
Finally I can share with you the project inspired by your cotton swab.
What do you think about it? Certainly nothing elaborate, but beautiful to look at and effective in its simplicity. :)