November 14 - Start Week 3 (Germ counts as one):
Stunted Plants are on the move.
Day 24 Overall -
- Changed from 18 hours to 20 hours lights on.
- Giving Purple Lemonades until Day 35
Biggest Change of the Day:
The Purple Lemonades jumped up an inch or so.
I'm amazed at the thickness of the Critical Purple main stem.
Day 28 - End of Week 3 (Week 4 if you include Germ Week)
Let's take a look at the numbers and see if anything pops out.
(1) DLI -- As you can see, I've been raising the light intensity this week.
(2) DLI -- I also switched to 20/4 lights. I need to fix my log header.
(3) VPD -- I'm holding mid-70s fine, but even with 2 humidifiers I am struggling to get in the "Perfect" zone
(4) E.C. -- This represents full-strength Jack's 3-2-1. No tip burns on new growth (for now).
(5) pH -- Everything I read says stay around 5.8 with coco. So, that's my plan.
(6) pH -- I don't mind a little drift up, but when it gets to 6.0 I'll bring it back down
(7) AutoPot Data - I dropped taking daily readings of the AP valve chambers.
(8) AutoPot Data - Everyday the numbers very close. One less worry.