Cranked the light up to 75% power yesterday it’s now putting out around 48k lux on average around the canopy.
Will monitor how they ha for the change closely.
Plants are huge! Been pretty successful in keeping them nice and bushy with just the light and just hand tucking things. Still need to do a good defoliation n the lower areas but just haven’t really seen the need honestly.
Will probably veg another week or two and start thinking about switching to 12/12. Thanks for stopping by and as always 🍻
Very nice! I'm growing the same strain from Homegrown right now, interested to see what kind of yield you'll get. I just switched to flower a couple weeks ago.
Very nice! I'm growing the same strain from Homegrown right now, interested to see what kind of yield you'll get. I just switched to flower a couple weeks ago.
@GSdubs, nice they where funky to start had me worried for a week or so but have been tanks since! I’ll probably switch to flower in 10-14 days or so. They are so full I’m going to trellis em for a few weeks and flatten them out a bit more and then flip. I’m excited for sure!
Im interested with your choice of nutrients and strength. Would you please explain it ? Im running the same series, just completely different ratios.
Plants are looking very healthy !
@WorldPeas, hey so my apologies those ratios are all funky I am admittedly lazy with updating that portion and keeping it correct I will send you a pic of my actual dialed in schedule!!!