At the start of week 9
The end of the feeding schedule for two out of the three ladies for "Cath" & "Lorna"
5 litres of dechlorinated tap water only, for the remaining amount of time ripening up.
"Anna-Marie" is still on the normal feeding schedule as she's several weeks behind the other two so fed her 13mls of Bio Flores and 20 mls of Bio Boost diluted in 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water.
Chopped off a couple of LARFY branches to sample.
I then gave them a quick couple of days speed dry in front of the fire 🔥 😅
Yes I know they need to cure but temptation be dammed, needs must lol 😆
@SensiSeeds, Hey guys thanks.
This is my first ever attempt at Organic growing and yes the ladies are looking and smelling amazing, I must be doing something right 😆