-12/25/22 Week Start
-12/28/22 sprayed with neem max to kill aphids, 3.5 tbs/1 letter spray bottle. Also removed the first set of shade leaves on the lowest two sets of branches.
-12/30/22 having some problems with big shade leaves, assuming that it was caused from the neem max spray down two days ago. Damage is only on the shade leave and not on branches, should be fine but will check daily. Also lights and plants were moved around in the grow room to see if lights were to close to plants, could also be a factor in the damage on shade leave but unsure.
-12/31/22 still having problems from the neem max spray, should recover in the next few days/weeks. Removed the lower two sets of shade leaves from the main stem, will be removing the rest of the large shade leaves on the main stem in the next few weeks.
-12/31/22 Week End