Fastbuds , Orange Sherbert
High again 👋 This is week three the girls are growing up nicely. I topped them all this week and have staked them out mainly just pushing the lower branches out from under the top leaves and branches to get the light down on them. I'll hang the other light so I can spead them out this week and do the flower top dressing
Thank you Fastbuds for your help putting this grow together discount code " GD420 "
@Drgreen13, the company just went out of business, couldn't keep building them in the US and be competitive. Same place I was getting my nutrients, so I'm in search for something new
@Cyrusdavirus, io anche ultimamente sto tenendo i due box sempre totalmente aperti e l estrattore l ho tolto dal box e lo uso proprio nella stanza, con il tubo ed il filtro a carbone che escono dalla porta e vanno fuori nel corridoio, per poi uscire in un altra camera che rimane spesso aperta la finestra..certo si nella Grow room respirano molto meglio e hanno più ossigeno e ventilazione 😏🤩