So I haven’t added any more nutes worth the fear of my plants dying but I will start giving them the flowering schedule nutes now that they are healthy again. I noticed the first set of white pistols forming too!!
Hello everyone. I would really appreciate your advice and wisdom. First grow here and im not sure if im doing a good job or if I have powdery mildew and I have to toss my plants 😞. Thanks 🙏
J ai regardé toute ta culture et ça se passe bien, on apprend tous au fur et à mesure de nos erreurs. Parfois il vaut mieux moins de quantité mais avoir la qualité à la fin. 👍
@Smith420, I germinate the seeds first in water and then in a damp napkin. When In roughly 4 - 5 days, I will have keys capable of planting in the substrate. It's been working that way for me for the 4 years I've been growing. Above all, enjoy growing and your love of plants. Good luck and peace 💚☮️
@Targona,thanks! I was nervous because I noticed that the first day they were getting long and weak I had the light all the way at the top of the tent so they were reaching. I lowered the light to about 30” and dimmed it to maintain the 300par. I also poured more soil on top to support the stem. I can’t wait to check out your grows and join your channels. Appreciate the love.
Nicely done bro! Great work. Thanks for sharing and posting. I have some of these as freebies. Excited to get them in the dirt, then in the pipe. Happy Growing!
A little heavy handed with both feeding and training for their age is very common on one's first grow.
If your soil already has nutes in it straight from the bag that's usually enough for seedlings for the first few weeks.
Took me a couple of grows to learn that sometimes less is better. You will get the hang of it.
@Inganjawetrust,thanks!! So u agree leave it alone and water without any mycorrhizae or nutrients until leaves get their life back. I really appreciate ur response I hope nothing but the best in all ur grows and life. I’ll make sure to follow u and like ur stuff!! 😎
Hey man if your concerned about powder mildew I would turn off that humidifier immediately and grab yourself a little sulphur just sprinkle a tiny bit gently where you think you may be having a problem. Is it pm or just sugar ? Sometimes it's easily mistaken at your stage. Good job on the grow by the way
@Smith420, I took a real close look at all your pictures and I didn't see any powder mildewjust sugar. PM starts on stalks and leaves 100% of the time. I think your good to go thus far
@Smith420, hey dude ! Ya turn it right off you want it to be as dry as possible so if you can get your RH lower then 45-50 then I would by all means ! And thank you I only have the 2 nothing to exciting just yet. I'm week 3 of flower and week 1 of flower but thanks for the good wishes! If there's anything else I can help with just ask away thanks for the good wishes
@@Billyandbarb,thanks ! I realized or I believe that it’s actually just the beauty of the plants starting to fill with the bulbous glandular trichomes ❤️. Do u recommend turn off the humidifier all together? I’m nervous because I thought I had to keep the humidity 40-50% during flowering stage. I greatly appreciate ur time and comment. Wish u the best in ur grows ! Can’t wait to check out ur diaries