End of the year and end of Aeroponics for me anyways. The power outages the last few weeks have been enough, so the new year brings a new welcomed plan of attack. rather than setting up some backup battery , I purchased a Autopot xl system.
I's self watering with a reservoir using gravity to feed. Inside the pot there is a cone (accessories) that is fitted with an air line/pump, which produces air through the Soilless root system apparently increases yield. I will run a circulation pump with an air stone on timers.in the reservoir.
If the power goes out for any lengthy event i start the generator for the light if it's in that cycle.😎
@Thaiclee, Inside corner of the pot at the bottom tray you would put the hose attachment next to the float. Turn the vac on and pour gallons of fresh water PH'd into the top of the plant pot
It bleeds out the bottom fills up the tray Suck it up with the shop vac.😎