What I don't like is that cupping that the leaves are doing, you're using a host of enzymes, bacteria etc so i cant see root rot being in question. Thing is maybe the coco is buffering out to a higher PH in some pots, if PH is a tiny bit lower it could cause it to fluctuate. If you're using buffered coco it could be that. Yet I think that lamp to plant distance might have something to do with it, seems like the affected plants are all under the same light or wind corridor ? If so just dialing those back a bit will basically fix it. You can go ahead and carefully pluck the leaves that are damaged beyond repair 70%+ and see if and where new leaves are affected so you can sort of start ruling things out (look likes K deficiency sometimes... almost always nute companies put a lot of P in and not enough K for some reason) . Good luck man + thanks for killer descriptions + deets 🚀