Day 23:
Trim and net day. The plants have gotten to the height that I want for my net and set them up for a ScrOG style grow.
Plant 1:
Looks good. Impressed with its growth.
Plant 2:
This plant is starting to slow its outer growth, but the branching is growing more than plant 1, making it a little more bushy. This plant also seems to show deficiencies faster than the other plants. This is the first fundamental difference that I've seen in plant health. This plant is a good indicator for me.
Plant 3:
This plant looks good. The outer growth is still good. It's bushy on the inside, but maybe not as much as plant 2 and plant 4.
Plant 4:
This plant is the thickest of the 4. The combination of the AGT-50 and the Liquid Culture Microbes is keeping this plant growing nicely.
Water/Feed on this day as well. Each plant got 1 gallon of water/feed.
Each plant got the following:
5mL of Alaska 5-1-1 per gallon of water
1.5tsp of Epsom Salt per gallon of water
Each pot also got the following worked into the top of the soil.
1/3 cup of Happy Frog Veg
1/3 cup Dr. Earth Alfafa Meal
Day 25:
Already the plants are putting on good growth for just a couple days after being trimmed. I do think that plant 1 is a little behind on the new growth. Now that I'm preparing for them to get ready for switching over to flowering in a couple weeks, I'm adding the Alaska MorBloom 0-10-10.
Each plants gets 1 gallon of water/feed and:
5mL Alaska 5-1-1 per gallon
15mL Alaska 0-10-10 per gallon
Plant 2 also got 1.25mL of AGT-50
Plant 3 also got 15mL of Liquid Culture Microbes
Plant 4 also got both the AGT-50 and the LCM
Day 28:
Didn't get a picture on this day but the plants are really growing well. I'm really happy with how well they are doing.