She's overall looking good, but I'm also seeing some yellowing at the tips. I have some Langbeinite that's supposed to arriving today, so I'm grateful for that. I've not adjusted the nutrients yet. I'm pretty sure she won't be getting all the top dress stuff again, but I'll probably do the liquid stuff to water said Langbeinite in.
Top dressed 2 tsp of langbeinite in a quarter cup of BuildAFlower as a carrier. I then watered that in with rest of the goodies in water. Today was also the day to refill the self-watering bases.
@@Chunga, hopefully I survive the next couple of days, me and 5,000 of my nearest neighbors are currently without power. I'm sure hoping it's back on by morning (even though lights should be coming on about now, I can't do anything about it.) I'm trying to make plans right now for what I'm going to do if I don't have power by the time it's light in the morning, I'm thinking I'm going to pull them and just put them where they can get whatever light comes in through the windows.
@@Chunga, It is a totally a good problem to have. It just feels odd. I moved about a year ago and all my friends are now too far away to share with. I'm working on making new ones here, but I don't think my results are anything to brag about, yet. I fully recognize that I've been bitten by the "grow-bug" (the last time I did this, it was with orchids, but it feels the same.)
@R3LOADABLE, thanks! Of the three in the tent right now, she's happiest with me, and I'm the happiest with her. She's just loving life right now. The other two are going somewhat more slowly and keep having odd things with their leaves, though Pineapple Express is probably a close second, as she's taken off in the last day or so, the CBD plant is just sulking in her corner...
@@Chunga, yeah, it appears to have. I had to go to a relative's house as the Internet didn't come back and I had to "go to work" (work from home is a great thing until it isn't.) The weather here is frightful, so I haven't been home this morning. I'm going to go in a little while and check the timers and stuff.