Seedling week 1.
Growing really good. Will transplant to pot in the next day. Still haven't decided if I want to use Tupur for this grow or soil. I'm leaning towards soil, because the hand watering with high Frequency fertigation is grueling. Probably will look into investing in auto waterers or blumats or similar before I go back to tupur. I really like growing in the tupur.
Così ad occhio la pianta mi sembra carica di azoto la sostanza che più usa nella fase di allungamento che dura circa 7-10 gg non tre settimane buona fortuna!!!
@Maryjane23, I've grown hundreds of plants in my 30 years of growing and in my experience they don't stop growing until about the 3rd week of flower. Of course that can also depend on strain and if it's auto or photo.